Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1692: Kiss very tenderly

"Huh?" Lin Motong quickly opened his eyes and faced his eyes deep into the cold lake.

Then she understood what he meant. When she went upstairs, she hooked his arms, otherwise, the bumps on the stairs would easily make her bump.

Lin Motong hesitated, stretched his arm close to him, then hooked his neck, and when he touched his hot skin, Lin Motong's whole heart became hot.

She closed her eyes quickly and didn't dare to look at him any more. As early as before, she would fall into his eyes every time she looked at him.

It's just that she's far apart, and the feeling isn't deep. Now she's too close, when her breath can be heard, she doesn't dare to make recklessness.

I don't know how long it took, and finally arrived at the guest room on the third floor. Tomorrow night Leng put her down, Lin Motong hurriedly withdrew her hand, and was about to get out of his embrace when she was swept away by his kiss.

Tonight, kissing her coldly, hugging her waist, remembering the sweet and familiar feeling when he kissed her for the first time in the night. It was a touch that made him want to stop and reach his soul.

Her lips are full of elasticity and sweet, so that once he touches it, it is like an addiction and cannot be parted.

This time, he kissed very tenderly, as if he were dealing with the love in his heart. The long kiss was lingering. Lin Motong was so absent-minded that he couldn't resist it, let alone escape his control.

Ming Ye Leng wanted to move further, until he touched her lower abdomen, his heart felt cold, then he let go of her, stood up without a word, did not look at her again, and stepped out.

Lin Motong was upset by his repeated attitude. In fact, she never expected him to be different from others. She also knew her current situation. Don't explain that the night was cold, even ordinary men. I won't look at her more.

Lin Motong laughed mockingly. She didn't expect any love or marriage anymore. When she chose to give birth to this child, she had already chosen to give up all possible happiness in the future.

The subordinates came in and packed her things in.

The confidant smiled and said, "Miss Lin, you can live here with peace of mind. If you have any needs, just ask me, Aunt Qin, and Steward Kang."

This time, even his confidant changed his name and changed Lin Motong to Miss Lin—Ming Ye Leng directly took Lin Motong into the best guest room of Ming’s family, Chaoyang’s largest room, all decorated and dressed up. Similar to Ming Ye Leng's own room style, it is a room in Ming's family second only to Ming Ye Leng and Yue Yue Rui Rui's bedroom.

Even Yan Manqing has never had the opportunity to stay here.

If his confidant could guess what opaque Ye Leng meant, he wouldn't have to stay by his side to do things.

"Thank you." Lin Motong said sincerely.

A doctor walked in, took Lin Motong's body temperature, and then asked her for a medicine bottle.

Lin Motong said nervously, "Doctor, I have a child in my stomach..."

"I know. So all the medicines given to you are available to pregnant women." The doctor said, and skillfully hung up the medicine bottle for her. "You lack nutrition, the fetus is smaller than normal, and you are sick and have a fever. You must be treated quickly. . Otherwise, don’t talk about children, even you will suffer along with you.”

Lin Motong was relieved and nodded gently.

The doctor took care of her, and then went out, walked to Mingye Leng, and said in a low voice, "Master, Miss Lin is already undergoing an infusion, and she will definitely get better soon, but she is weak and has a fever easily. In particular, you need to pay attention to keep warm and not catch cold."

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