Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1699: Disappear before me forever

Ming Ye waved her hand coldly, pushed her out, and said indifferently: "But that's not what I want!"

Yan Manqing's head hit the ground, and she slowly got up, also getting angry: "It's cold tomorrow, what do you want me to do?"

"I want you... to disappear in front of me forever!" Mingye's cold voice didn't have any ups and downs, so he couldn't hear any emotions, but he undoubtedly made the final decision.

Yan Manqing cried fiercely and suppressed her forcefully. She was the proud girl of heaven since she was a child, but he didn't appreciate everything she did for the cold tomorrow.

She was fed up too!

She gritted her teeth and said, "It's cold tomorrow night, don't regret it! Don't kneel and beg me in the future!"

After speaking, she ran out.

Ming Ye Leng immediately ordered: "Ding Hai, I will be stuck with all the things that happen to the Yan family in the future! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs empties the strength of the Yan family!"

"Yes, Master!" Ding Hai responded immediately, but he was also a little worried. Although Mingye Leng is now capable, but after all, he is still fledgling and the Yan family is quite powerful. Once backlash, I am afraid it will not be so easy to parry.

"But Master..." Ding Hai expressed his doubts.

Ming Ye said with a cold smile, "Do you think that if I didn't do anything to them, they would let me go? If I hadn't been engaged to Yan Manqing, the Yan family would have supported the vice president's family and impeached my father. Now that I am retiring from my marriage, even if I do not deal with their family, they will not let me off secretly. Regarding marriage as a bargaining chip and interest, it will always be a conflict of interests and no true love will breed."

Only then did Ding Hai understand that things were not as simple as he had imagined. Everything should be determined by the cold night. The only thing that should be done is to act first and strive for the greatest benefit.

Ding Hai immediately went out to work and deliver orders.

Ming Ye Leng came to Yueyue and Rui Rui's room, but did not enter.

Lin Motong is telling a story to Yueyue and Ruirui. Her voice turns to listen. She is telling the story of foxes and tigers, learning the sounds of tigers and foxes. The picture is vivid and three people hugging each other. It is so peaceful and beautiful. It is all years. What it should be.

Only when facing Lin Motong could he feel such calm and warmth.

No matter how many women outside are beautiful and beautiful, they can't match the moment of tranquility she gave.

Lin Motong finished telling the story to Yueyue and Ruirui, and watching them fall asleep, she paced out slowly and walked slowly to her room on the third floor.

It is a great happiness for her to spend this peaceful time every day.

She went back to the room and read the military magazine of country c for a while. She loved the military content. In my heart, she could not let go of the vague outline at the beginning, so she always wondered if there is a chance to see Xiao Xiao again. The man who fought side by side in the alley.

She turned it over, and the face of the soldier inside would sometimes become cold tomorrow.

Lin Motong quickly took a picture to wake herself up. It must be because she was always looking at his face recently, so she would think about his appearance from time to time. Sometimes, even when she was in a daze, his appearance would appear to her inadvertently. In his mind.

Even these few nights, when Lin Motong was dreaming, she would dream of him, and even dream of him being gentle.

She quickly dispelled her unrealistic thoughts, how could she keep thinking of him?

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