Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1710: Due date is near

Even Lin Motong himself didn't know the origin of this child.

The Yan family's concealment work is still very good.

Mother Yan said immediately, "I'll go to Ming's house to find out about the situation and see the woman in person."

"Mom, do we still find her back and make plans?" Yan Manqing asked, not knowing what to do for a while.

Now that the Ming family has made it clear that they are retiring, the Yan family is still struggling, whether it is to tear their face directly, or to rely on Lin Motong's child to post a blog is a question for the Yan family.

Yan Mu comforted Yan Manqing: "Manqing, at least it's still a chance now. Don't worry, I will go to Ming's house. If the woman is really in Ming's house, then we still have a chance."

Yan Manqing nodded, because there was hope, she also had a look on her face.

Yan Mu said to her subordinates: "The nurse who took care of Lin Motong knows too much, so please solve her. There are also those who follow her, who have more than success and failure, all of them will be solved by me. Up."

She spoke an understatement, but gave cold orders, and the subordinates who used to work for her hurriedly responded and bowed out to do the work.

Yan Mu got dressed and hurried to Ming's house.

Steward Kang stopped her immediately: "Mrs. Yan, sorry, our young master really has no time to see guests."

"No, I just want to see Ruirui. Kang housekeeper, although the Ming family and the Yan family have a little misunderstanding now, it is not impossible for me to take a look at Ruirui? I have always regarded Ruirui as my own. The child regards it, I heard that he is sick, in my heart, I really..." Mrs. Yan asked gently, looking very sincere, and caring wisely.

Steward Kang was taken aback for a moment, and said, "This..."

"Housekeeper Kang, please make it easy." Yan Mu said pleadingly.

The Yan family in Jingzhou City is also a good-looking family. Mrs. Yan begged so much, but Steward Kang really couldn’t help but hesitated. He hesitated and said, "Okay, then please come in, but just take a look and leave. Don't make us embarrassed."

"This is natural." Yan Mu walked in, and Yueyue and Rui Rui were still playing in the garden.

Mother Yan saw Lin Motong, sitting on a bench in the garden, looking at Yueyue and Ruirui with a smile. She had a big belly and was carrying something in her belly. It happened that Yan mother tried to make her pregnant. The kid you are holding?

Yan Mu was startled, then she was overjoyed, the expression on her face changed, and she nodded secretly.

She warmly said to Steward Kang: "Steward Kang, thank you, I am in a much better mood to meet Rui Rui."

Seeing that her love for Rui Rui was overwhelming, the housekeeper Kang showed a sincere smile when she saw Rui Rui, and she couldn't help but sigh: "This kid Rui Rui is good and smart, exactly the same as the young master when he was young. An An grows up and will be a great talent in the future..."

Steward Kang sighed and sent Yan Mu out, but he didn't know that Yan Mu was also planning various things in his heart.


Lin Motong sat on the bench and looked at Yueyue Ruirui. She looked down at the book from time to time, with a sweet smile on her face.

Seeing that her pregnancy has entered September and her due date is approaching, she knows that there will not be much time to spend time with Yueyue and Ruirui in the next period of time. She cherishes the time now.

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