Yan Manqing frowned: "I really didn't expect this **** woman to be like this. This really hurts us."

"Forget it, today can be regarded as a complete offense for the Ming family." Yan Mu also never thought of this. She didn't know Ming Ye Leng had already investigated the matter clearly. Putting her together, she thought it was Lin Motong who had a problem and was pregnant with another man's child.

Yan Manqing sneered coldly: "Anyway, Ruirui came to bury my relationship with me, and I am not at a loss. I will watch how he died now!"

Yan Manqing's words are all vicious. Whenever she thinks about not getting the cold of tomorrow, all her heart is painful, and she can only rely on such cruel words to vent her emotions.

Ming Ye Leng finished dealing with Yan's mother and returned to Rui Rui's operating room.

Because he didn't want to have many dreams in the night, he was known that Rui Rui was performing the operation. He didn't even notify the people in the presidential palace. Instead, he stayed here alone.

He cared about Ruirui, and he would definitely not be able to take care of Lin Motong's side. Fortunately, Lin Motong's mother and child are safe, and he can feel a little relieved.


Lin Motong accompanied the baby, feeling sweet, too tired, and slept again.

When she woke up in the morning, a nurse came to bring her food, which was easy to digest and nutritious, and the nurse took care of her and ate it.

Lin Motong hugged the baby by herself and nursed the baby.

The nurse was packing her things, and Lin Motong thought for a while and said, "Hello Miss Nurse, can you do me a favor?"

"Talk to me if you have something." The nurse said with a smile.

"I don't have any money with me. If the hospital needs to settle the bill, can you tell me, can I give it to you in a while?" Lin Motong thought Ming Ye Leng had already left. She is now penniless and even a mobile phone. No, it is natural to confirm many things first.

The nurse was taken aback, and was about to explain that everything here was arranged tomorrow night, Lin Motong continued: "Also, do you have a nurse here, the kind who specializes in taking care of women and children, can you help me? Introduce one? For money, I can prepare it soon."

She had saved some money to use when she gave birth, but she still stayed at Ming's house, because the pain was sudden, so she didn't have time to take it with her.

The nurse said: "Ms. Lin, the cold and young children have been arranged here, so don't worry that no one will take care of it. Don't worry."

"No, I'm thinking about it later..." Lin Motong said with a smile, how could Mingye Leng care about her so much?

She was grateful that he was able to help bring her to the hospital, and she was empty of thoughts that night, and she accepted the current situation very calmly.

She can only be grateful for the cold tomorrow.

The nurse smiled and refused to answer the question. She had to dare to help Lin Motong find someone outside to take care of her. When she came back in the cold tomorrow night, she could kill her with a scalpel.

The nurse left.

Lin Motong took a deep breath, why did the nurse refuse to help?

She had no choice but to breastfeed the baby first.

I was not skilled, even a little embarrassed. After doing it awkwardly for a long time, the child couldn't eat milk and cried so hungry.

Lin Motong was also in a hurry. She had never breast-fed the child before. The doctor had explained to her that she asked her to breast-feed the child as much as possible, which is beneficial to both the adult and the child.

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