Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1728: I just remember...

Lin Motong saw her eyes a little sour, and immediately restrained her emotions, and said softly, "Thank you, Master."

"Why did you leave Ming's house last time?" Ming Ye turned around coldly, but did not leave like Lin Motong thought, but sat beside her.

She blushed and hid: "Because my mother is sick and there is no one to take care of..."

"Then what?" asked Ming Ye coldly.

Lin Motong didn't know if she should talk about the child. She promised the doctor not to talk about it, but now facing the cold question tomorrow night, and thinking about how the nurse treated herself like that, she hesitated a bit. ...

Ming Ye looked at her coldly and encouraged her to answer with his eyes.

She squeezed her fingers: "My mother was very ill and needed a kidney transplant. A doctor told me..."

She said about these things. Ming Ye Leng didn't ask her seriously before, and the two people's identities were so different, so she stayed silent.

Ming Ye Leng listened carefully to what she said, these were indeed almost the same as the truth he had let people find out.

The people of the Yan family deduced that she was Ruirui’s mother. At the beginning, Ming Ye Leng didn’t find out her identity. Then they used Lin’s mother to trick Lin Motong into the villa prepared by the Yan family for Ming Ye. Give birth to a child cold, and cure Rui Rui.

They strictly ordered Lin Motong not to tell others about these things, and Lin Motong kept silent for the sake of her mother.

In addition, she was under house arrest and no one could discuss it, so naturally there was no way to know the ugly methods of the Yan family.

Ming Ye Leng waited until she finished speaking, and then said softly: "I have also found out about this."

"What the **** is going on? Who are these people? Whose is my child?" Lin Motong hurriedly asked.

She really wanted to know the answers to all these things.

Ming Ye Leng said softly: "It was the Yan family who used your mother's condition to let you go to have a surrogate child."

"Ah? Why do you want me to have a baby? Where is the Yan family where I need to have a baby?" Lin Motong was really puzzled, blinking to see that Mingye was cold.

"Because... the child you gave birth can save Ruirui." Mingye Leng said straightforwardly, "You gave birth to Yueyue and Ruirui."

"What?" Lin Motong was completely stunned, "Yueyue and Ruirui, are they my children? Me and you?"

"Yes." Nodding coldly tomorrow night.

Lin Motong shook his head: "Where? How can I know you? I have never given birth to children. If I did, how could I give up on them? How could I not remember?"

Ming Ye Leng said quietly and calmly: "Before, I was injured and unconscious. The Presidential Palace asked someone to surrogate me and gave birth to Yueyue and Ruirui in Switzerland. That woman is you. According to Dr. Qin and the Swiss professionalism, You should have been hypnotized and amnesia after giving birth, so you don't remember the surrogacy at all. This is the normal way of handling."

Lin Motong did not remember what he said at all. She murmured hesitantly, "I only remember that at the beginning, my mother was very ill, and I had to stop my studies and ask my father for help. But my father cheated back then. Married to Xiaosan, I didn’t want to care about my mother at all. In any case, I begged him and promised to write an IOU. I would return all the money to him in the future, but he would not lend it to me. There was no way, I had to go to Switzerland to find a classmate ..."

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