Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1743: Wedding night

Let go of her coldly tomorrow night and go to the bathroom. Soon, there will be the sound of water in the bathroom.

Lin Motong had already washed, and while he was taking a bath, she hurried back to bed.

His bed is very big, and she needs to be in a small corner.

About to close her eyes, she saw the pictures of Yueyue and Ruirui on the desk at a glance, from small to large.

Lin Motong suddenly became more energetic, reached out and took it, and slowly turned it over.

In this album, almost all of them are photos of Yueyue and Ruirui. From the time they were born to the present, they have all made detailed growth records. Some places have also written a few remarks. It seems that the handwriting is neat and beautiful. It is Yun Lan's handwriting.

Lin Motong has never been with Yueyue Ruirui when she was so young, but her deep feelings for them have been surging. Now looking at these photos, remembering how they looked when they were young, she couldn't help but have more faces. Bright smile.

Although they didn't accompany them to grow up together, looking at these can be regarded as making up for the memories that were once incomplete.

Her heart was full of happiness, and she unknowingly turned to the bottom.

Lifting his eyes, he found that Ming Ye Leng had walked to her side, opened the quilt and went to bed.

Lin Motong put down the photo hurriedly, got into the bed and became uneasy.

Strictly speaking, today was the wedding night for two people, but she knew that her body was not good enough, and she couldn't do anything a few days after giving birth.

However, according to Ming Ye Leng's intention to marry her only to solve this matter, she guessed Ming Ye Leng would not touch herself.

Sure enough, after falling asleep tomorrow night, he turned his back to her, did not kiss her again, did not say anything, and did not make any ambiguous movements.

Lin Motong was a little fortunate, but also a little disappointed, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't have much affection for her when two people got married. She stayed, most importantly for her children.

Thinking of this, it was relieved.

Slowly, she fell asleep.

I woke up several times in the cold night tomorrow. Two times were to breastfeed the child. Although this kind of thing could be left to the maid, he did not. Since he was the child of the woman he loved, he would do it by himself. There is nothing unacceptable.

The other time I got up and took a cold shower.

He is a healthy adult man. He had no interest in other women before, but that doesn't mean he didn't have any interest in her.

Every time he thinks of the only night when she is pregnant with a child, his Adam's apple can't help but slide, seeming to think of her sweet taste.

Up to now, he can fully confirm that the woman that night is him, and her attraction to him is even more deadly.

When Lin Motong woke up the next day, Ming Ye Leng was no longer in bed, nor was the child.

She hurriedly got up and opened the door, and the maid immediately stepped forward and said, "Young lady, the young master said, take the young master downstairs to let the air out, so don't worry."

"Okay." Lin Motong returned to the room and looked through the window to see Ming Ye Leng dressed in casual clothes, walking in the garden with her child in her arms.

Yueyue and Ruirui also got up, and they were playing aside.

Seeing the scene of their father and son together, Lin Motong's heart was soft and sweet.

She immediately finished washing and went to look for them in the garden.

"I'll hold the baby." Lin Motong stretched out her hand to take it. "The baby wakes up, you can call me."

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