Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1750: So-called father

Then, Jian Si said to Lin Motong: "Tongtong, I am actually relieved if you stay in Ming's house. The cold and young people in Ming's family are really good. I also understand my brother's affairs clearly. I My brother’s broken leg was also done by the Yan family, and Leng Shao helped. After my brother came back, I was always worried about his leg and worried that he could not do anything. Then I became frustrated and lost faith in life. But fortunately Leng Shao arranged for someone to give him a job that suits him. Now he is very stable and has regained his confidence. So I think that if you stay in a family like the Ming family, they will definitely not treat you badly. ."

"Well, I will try my best to stay." Lin Motong nodded, hearing that Jian Fei was fine, she finally felt relieved.

The food came. Lin Motong and Jian Si hadn't eaten together for a long time. They were talking and laughing while eating. A voice came from beside: "Tongtong?"

Lin Motong and Jian Si looked up together and saw a man in suit and leather shoes standing in front of him, who was over fifty years old. Lin Motong was taken aback for a moment before recognizing him as Lin Lide, a familiar and unfamiliar name.

Because to her, he himself is a familiar stranger, familiar enough to make people heartbreaking, but also strange enough to make people chilling.

Because that is her father.

Lin Motong's smile froze all at once, and Jian Si was also taken aback, not knowing whether to answer.

Lin Lide took a few steps forward, walked to Lin Motong's side, and said excitedly: "Tongtong, it's really you? I really didn't expect that it would be you here. I have been looking for you all the time. It takes no effort to find nowhere to come."

"You have been looking for me?" Lin Motong couldn't help but said mockingly, "Do you believe it yourself when you say this?"

"Hitomi, don't be like this. I don't have no feelings for your mother and daughter." Lin Lide looked distressed.

Lin Motong didn't believe it at all, and didn't want to talk to him at all. She said coldly: "Don't need to say, Jane and I are having dinner, you go, don't disturb us."

"Hitomi..." Lin Lide showed expectation.

Lin Motong grabbed the bag and took Jane's hand and said, "Jane, let's go to eat somewhere else."

Jian Si nodded immediately and walked out with Lin Motong.

After walking out, Jane took her into a beverage shop, ordered a hot drink, and handed her to her and said, "Hitomi, don't be sad. The past is over."

"Yes, I didn't take this person to my heart. When our mother and daughter were kicked out of Lin's house by him, I knew how unfeeling he was. At that time, I was only a few years old and stood with my mother. In the cold night breeze, he was abandoned penniless, all in despair. But six years ago my mother suffered from breast cancer, I begged him to lend me some money, I issued an IOU and repaid it according to the bank's interest. He, when he drove me out, this father, in my heart, was already dead." Lin Motong held the hot drink and talked about these things like a waveless lake, calm and indifferent.

At the beginning, it was because his father refused to borrow a mere 200,000 yuan for the surgery, Lin Motong terminated his studies in country c and went to Switzerland. In extreme cases, there was no way to choose a certain hospital in Switzerland. Surrogacy.

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