Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1752: Never lie to you

Lin Motong was also suddenly inspired by her. Yes, for so many years, her mother has had so much pain and grievances. She was driven out and suffered humiliation back then. Why didn't she help her mother take it back?

In the past, she was incapable and had no chance. What about now?

Jane continued to say angrily: "At the beginning, he slandered his aunt and cheated on you and gave birth to other men, but you have always known that these are completely slanderous words. Did you just watch your aunt pass away and still suffer from these things? Is Bai injustice?"

Lin Motong squeezed his fist: "You are right. I can't watch my mother's everything is taken over by him. Since he took the initiative to find me this time, I will never let him bully again. I do want to. Look, what exactly is he going to do with me this time."

Jian Si nodded: "So don't be sad, just do what you should do."

Lin Motong nodded heavily.

When she and Jian Si went out, they found that Lin Lide didn't know when they actually followed.

I really didn't expect that he still had such perseverance and determination, but it was a pity, why didn't they even look at their mother and daughter back then?

"Hitomi!" Lin Lide stepped forward, very enthusiastic, "I finally found you. Alas, I thought you would always avoid me."

"What's up with me? Speak straight." Lin Motong looked cold.

"Hitomi, I know your mother is dead, I am sorry, and I feel very sad, so I have been looking for you, just want to see how you are." Lin Lide looked guilty.

Lin Motong didn't believe a word: "Really? Then why did you never show up when my mother was alive?"

Lin Lide was speechless and had nothing to say, but he immediately distinguished: "Hitomi, you also know that I am busy... When I get busy, it is easy to forget things, but in my heart, it has always been your mother and daughter... …"

"Huh." Even Jian Si didn't believe this, and couldn't help but hum.

Lin Motong wondered in her heart, did he know that he had been married into the Ming family, that's why he was so pretentious and wanted to get involved?

If this were the case, Lin Motong would never have anything to do with him again.

She said: "Then since you have been caring about me and my mother, you don't know, I don't even have a place to live now, right?"

"I know, I know that you have been working hard outside. This time I came to see you, just to take you back to Lin's house. I don't want you to suffer outside. Hitomi, this time Dad is sincere. I will never lie to you." Lin Lide looked sad and regretful.

"If I come back, the Lin family won't have my place, I don't want to come back." Lin Motong said coldly, forgive her that she really can't have a good impression of such a father.

"Hitomi, don't worry, I've already told your aunt and your sister this time, you will never let you get cold when you go back. We used to be eager to do something, sorry for you and your mother. But now , People are getting older, and the right and wrong of the past have become the past. We really don’t want to continue these sad things. So Hitomi, come back.” Lin Lide said with deep affection. With tears bursting down, I didn't know the people Lin Motong had encountered before, really thought that Lin Lide was a good father and husband.

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