Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1755: Contacted frequently

"Really? That's great." Lin Motong breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, "I'm just afraid that he will come to trouble you if he knows. I don't want to get involved with him."

"However, what he wants you to live in Lin's house is true." Ming Ye said coldly.

Lin Motong looked up at him: "Then he must have a purpose. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so kind."

"What about your thoughts?" When Ming Ye said this coldly, the corners of his lips were pursed, as if worried about her leaving Ming's house.

He knew that she was staying now, largely because of the three children.

Without these three children, he is also a little uncertain as to how likely she is to stay in Ming's house.

Lin Motong thought for a while and said, "Wait until Lang Lang is a little older, I want to go back and have a look, okay?"

She asked Ming Ye Leng's advice and looked at him pleadingly.

"Sure?" asked coldly tomorrow night.

"At the beginning, my mother was slandered and derailed, and I was slandered as someone who was not from the Lin family. At the beginning, everything in the Lin family was also part of my mother's part. I don't want my mother to die and still carry these unjust wrongs. I don't want them to take up everything in the Lin Family." Every time Lin Motong thinks about these things, she still feels bitter and trembles all over her body.

It's just that she didn't have the ability and the opportunity to go back before, but this time, she knew she could.

Seeing that tomorrow night was cold, she pleaded again: "A Leng, you can let me go back and try at that time, okay?"

"Okay." Ming Ye Leng didn't say much, and nodded in agreement. He didn't want to trap her in the small world of Ming's house.

Lin Motong smiled: "Well, thank you."

In the next period of time, Lin Lide frequently contacted Lin Motong. Although Lin Motong had a very bad attitude towards him every time, his phone call never stopped.

Lin Motong hadn't guessed what he was going to do for the time being, but no matter what he was going to do, she would never change his attitude.

From the moment her mother regretted her death, she had absolutely no reason to forgive this so-called father.

Seeing Lang Lang grow up day by day, when Lin Motong was about six months old, Lin Motong's breast milk was not enough for him to eat, and he started adding supplementary food.

Fortunately, Lang Lang is not as allergic to food as his brother, he eats all kinds of food happily, and he absorbs it very well.

He loved all the food supplements Lin Motong made for him.

In fact, even if there is a problem, there is no need to worry. When he was born, the cord blood was left as a backup. Dr. Zhuo said that with this cord blood, if he really encounters Ruirui’s problems, he must Surgery is also a very simple matter.

As he started to eat more milk powder and complementary food, Lin Motong gradually cut off his breast milk.

At night, he was taken care of by Ming Ye Leng. He has always been accustomed to milk powder, so there is no need to worry about being too uncomfortable when cutting off breast milk.

In this unknowingly, Lang Lang naturally stopped taking breast milk, and the transition was very natural.

On this day, Lin Lide called again and said that he wanted to see Lin Motong.

Lin Motong went to the study, and tomorrow night Leng was doing business.

"A Leng." Lin Motong called to him tentatively.

Mingye raised her eyes coldly, stretched out her hand to embrace her, and asked in a low voice: "Is something wrong with me?"

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