Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1783: Do you need help

Even if Lin Motong has that ability, she only needs to do some tricks in the middle, and Mrs. Lin can prevent her from getting the top three.

"Okay, then it's settled." Mrs. Lin said with a smile, "Then you will give me a testimony. If Hitomi is really so powerful, I am convinced to give her so much profit. If it was her If it doesn't work..."

Obviously he was begging Lin Motong to do things, but Mrs. Lin was able to set the conditions so harshly, there was really no one.

But she thought she was shrewd, but in fact Lin Motong wished her to do it.

Lin Motong wanted to rely on her own ability to bring back all the things belonging to her mother bit by bit.


"Are you really going to participate in the competition?" Ming Ye Leng put down the papers and stood up.

"Yes, I want to get my mother's things back, and I also want to get recognition from the outside world. When my mother was here before, I also thought about going to the competition, and thought about opening a restaurant of her own, but she was busy taking care of me. , The body is not good, so nothing can be achieved...I don't want her to die." Lin Motong said softly.

She glanced at Ming Ye Leng timidly: "A Leng, I know that my identity is not suitable for public appearances. It will cause the Ming family to attract criticism. I promise you that after dealing with the Lin family, I will be safe. An Xinxin stay at home and never go out again."

"Is there anything I can help?" Ming Ye asked softly.

Lin Motong was taken aback for a moment. She originally thought she would oppose the cold tomorrow, and even let her go home directly without worrying about so many things.

But I didn't expect... he would have such an attitude?

She was moved in her heart, and her voice trembled: "In fact, as long as this competition is completely regular, it is enough not to give anyone the opportunity to break the rules."

"Okay." Mingye nodded coldly. What she wanted was difficult for many people, but for him, it was too simple.

Lin Motong originally thought about what she said, trying to persuade him to agree with him, but now that she didn't have any impact on her words, but she was stunned by the choking.

"What are you looking at me?" Ming Ye said coldly, "I'm downstairs for dinner."

"A Leng, you are so kind." Lin Motong smiled a little shyly, stepped forward and took his hand, "Thank you for believing in me and willing to do these things for me."

Tonight stayed coldly and looked at her seriously: "I know that'Lin Ruixuan' is your obsession. If you don't solve it, you won't feel at ease for the rest of your life. Besides, Lin Lide and others have bullied you, we If you dodge and fear them, then you will lose the tolerance of the Ming family."

"So, I must perform well in this competition to have a chance to win what should be mine." Lin Motong said with a smile.

"So confident?" asked Ming Ye coldly.

Lin Motong said in a relaxed tone: "You and Yueyue Ruirui both love to eat my food, and both father and mother have praised me. I think that if you can get your approval, if you want to get other people's approval, you will not Is it difficult?"

"What to eat that night?" Mingye tilted his head coldly, his eyes full of pampering.

When she truly is herself, she always smiles, and when she gets along with her, there is always a feeling of energy and lightness.

"At night, I was already ready." Lin Motong took his hand and walked downstairs.

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