Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1789: Hand in hand

"Okay, then please start your performance." The host looked at Lin Motong.

The audience and the judges are all waiting to see how Lin Motong will show her carving skills.

Lin Motong turned on the fire easily, and the oil in the pot began to warm up. Lin Motong wrapped the fish with a scalpel in a layer of flour, and put it in the oil pan, and the chicken with a scalpel. Because it was originally halogenated, it only needs to be heated in the microwave.

As the stewed chicken was heated in the microwave oven, bursts of peculiar smell spread into everyone's nose.

"Wow, it smells good." Everyone couldn't help but salivate. Compared with the various light fish and shrimps made by the chefs just now, the taste that Lin Motong made was too rich and mellow, and it directly stimulated everyone. The taste buds make everyone amazed by the fragrance.

Immediately, the fish in the oil pan began to smell.

Different from the rich flavor of braised chicken, the taste of fish is delicious, with the smell of sesame oil, which makes people move their index fingers.

As the fish and chicken continue to emit fragrance, everyone is even more puzzled: "How can Lin Motong use these to express her carving skills?"

Just when the fish and chicken were scented at the same time, Lin Motong held the fruit in his left hand, the knife in his right hand was flying, and the peel and flesh fell in a beautiful posture.

When there were five minutes left, the fish and chicken came out at the same time, the fish was taken out of the pot, and the chicken was taken out of the microwave.

She put on the gloves, and while wearing the flesh that was just cut out with a toothpick, she fiddled with the chicken and fish.

With her rapid movements, a dragon and a phoenix began to gradually show up in front of everyone.

It turned out that the golden fried fish had long been cut into various shapes by her with a flower knife. After being fried, the embryonic form of a dragon appeared. After that, she put it on top with various carved fruits through her skillful hands. The scales of the dragon are distinct, the claws are quite sturdy and sharp, the dragon **** is arrogant, and the dragon head is majestic, as if the real dragon came to the world.

What’s more rare is that when Lin Motong cut the fish with a knife, the fish was still raw, but after it was fried, it had the embryonic form of a dragon. This shows that she had already predicted the end of the fish when she was using the knife. What kind of blasting, how mature, and how to control the heat can achieve such an effect.

It also proved that she was completely confident when she was sculpting. It was achieved through rigorous calculations and many experiments. It also proved that she is more ingenious and more flexible than others. , The food and craftsmanship are perfectly integrated.

The same is true for the lo-mei chicken. It was originally just an ordinary lo-mei chicken. With her skillful hands and supplemented with fruits, it turned out to be exactly like a phoenix with outstretched wings, fluttering wings and feathers. All are made of fruits of various colors, which can almost be fake.

The dragon and the phoenix stepped on the auspicious clouds made of white radish and looked at each other, their expressions were vivid, as if in the next second, they would fly side by side into the clouds.

The host also praised again and again, and said: "Please give the emcee to the judges and the audience to taste the dragon and phoenix of Lin Motong."

When the emcee came over, facing the dish, he couldn't bear to split the dishes.

But in the end, the dishes were divided and served to the judges and audience.

The host took a bite and nodded again and again.

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