Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1813: New presidential election

She also bought it for Aunt Qin and delivered it to Aunt Qin herself.

Aunt Qin was full of emotion. When she first saw Lin Motong, she was still a young girl, but no matter it was then or now, she has always had a gentle and kind heart.

"A Leng!" Lin Motong ran upstairs, as Leng was about to go out tomorrow night.

He looked at her tenderly: "Is something wrong?"

"I bought something for you. It looks like you are going out. Forget it, I'll talk about it when you come back." Lin Motong said with a smile.

"It's okay, it's the same for showing me now."

"It's a tie and a watch. I just don't know if you like it or not." Lin Motong took out the things.

"I like it." Ming Ye said coldly and concisely, took off his watch and replaced it with Lin Motong's.

Then in a simple and neat move, he took off his tie and replaced it with Lin Motong's new purchase.

Lin Motong laughed: "But the tie I bought doesn't match your clothes today."

"Ding Hai, bring me another coat."

Ding Hai smiled and brought Ming Ye Leng a coat.

To be honest, the serving master has a good temper and a good mood. It is best to do the work of subordinates. This kind of emotion can be completely transmitted to each other.

Lin Motong helped Ming Ye Leng change it, and said with a smile: "Now it's a match."

"I'm going to the presidential palace, you accompany me to go there." Ming night coldly held Lin Motong's waist.

"Okay. It just so happened that I bought some gifts for my grandparents and parents and brought them back together." Lin Motong immediately took all the gifts together.

She and Ming Ye Leng entered the presidential palace together. Many people in the presidential palace were busy tidying up and cleaning up. Lin Motong asked softly: "A Leng, what are they doing?"

"The new presidential election has already begun, and my father will not continue to live in the presidential palace by then. The next president will live here. Therefore, they will all move to the Ming family's old house." Ming Ye Leng explained.

Lin Motong said "Oh". Indeed, the rule of State S is that the term of each president is five years, and the longest re-election period for each president can only be two terms. Mingyu has been in the position of president until now. So far, it has been a full ten years, and it is indeed necessary to consider moving out of the presidential palace.

"Yeah, you are too young now to run for president." Lin Motong said softly, "Who will run for president?"

"You'll know when the time comes." Mingye sneered, "Actually, it doesn't matter. When I get older, won't I have a chance?"

Lin Motong couldn't help laughing: "Yes, then I am waiting for that day."

Walking into the presidential palace, Mingyu and Yun Lan are watering the flowers together in the living room. Because they are about to step down soon, it is rare for the two of them to have such a leisure time to accompany each other to do something they like.

"Father, mom." Ming Ye Leng and Lin Motong approached.

"A Leng, Hitomi, hurry up and look at the wealthy bamboo I planted. Look, how lush it is. These two pots are reserved for An Qi, and these two pots are reserved for Yueyue. Yueyue has always been Said to raise a pot." Yun Lan said with a smile.

"Mom, I bought you something too." Lin Motong took out the things she bought for her.

"How can I buy such an expensive thing?" Yun Lan saw that all of this was very valuable.

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