Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1822: Under investigation

Not to mention Ding Hai, even when Yan Mu heard that two people were dead, she was shocked and panicked!

Dead? When she went to buy the medicine, didn't the person tell her that there is nothing wrong with the medicine, and even a large dose is not enough to kill? The man vowed to promise that the effect of this medicine is gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea, how could it cause death?

Yan Mu panicked, it was not her intention to die, even if she wanted to Laming's subordinates, she would not be able to lose herself.

If there are only people with diarrhea in the restaurant, the customers will only find the restaurant to make trouble; but if the restaurant dies after eating, the restaurant will be responsible, but the police will not let go of who is the real murderer!

Yan Mu was a little flustered, but tried to remain shocked.

There are more and more ambulances and police cars downstairs, and the cry is getting louder.

The subordinates came in for a while and said, "Master Hai, five more died. I don't know what happened, but this is really a big trouble. The police are here, and the media are also here. It can't be helped. Ah! Master has asked for instructions like the husband and wife, and let the husband come to deal with it. Master Hai, what can we do?"

Master Hai slapped him on the head: "What can you do? Do what you should do. If you need to cooperate with the police, you should cooperate with the police. Don't run around like flies without head. Give me calmness."

As he was talking, the police showed up, flashed his ID, and said, "There has been a food safety issue in the'Lin's Private Kitchen'. Those present here tonight must stay and cooperate with the investigation."

Ming Ye Leng and Lin Motong also appeared. The police looked at them seriously and said: "We have received your report. There is a problem in the food. What is going on? Do you have any clues that you can provide? ?"

Ming Ye Leng and Lin Motong looked very anxious, and Yan Mu's emotions were gradually losing control. With seven lives, the Yan family now has no ability to handle such a big thing.

Ming Ye Leng said to the police: "If there is really something wrong with the food, we can investigate it in the back kitchen. There are surveillance cameras installed in the back kitchen, and it must be the first target for investigation. Ding Hai, this will be monitored. Take the video."

Yan Mu couldn't hold her anymore at this moment. How could she have thought that someone had installed surveillance cameras in the back kitchen.

She usually knelt down, half of her body collapsed, and she cried, "It's not me, it's not me..."

Everyone looked at her, and Yan Mu cried and said, "When I was buying the medicine, the person who sold the medicine told me that I had taken the medicine. It would only make people vomit and diarrhea, and cause mild gastrointestinal discomfort. I didn't think about the seriousness. Human life, I just want to..."

"Just thinking about it?" the policeman asked harshly.

"I just want to... I want to make the reputation of'Lin Jia Si Fang Cai' not so good, and frustrate their spirit. I just casually prescribed some medicine... I really didn't want to harm people... Mr. Police, you want Believe me, I am really not wicked...this incident, everything is just an believe me, it is not as serious as you think..." Yan Mu burst into tears Cried.

The police arrested her and said, "Then you can go to the police station with us to be investigated first. It is you or you, neither you nor anyone can count on you."

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