"The one you stabbed was Yan Manqing, there is no reason."

Lin Xuechan desperately wanted to break free from his subordinates, and shouted frantically: "Isn't it Lin Motong? Why not Lin Motong? I never thought about stabbing anyone else! Why not Lin Motong, why would it be? So, why? Why should she get everything and have a healthy body, and I can only wait for death, why?"

No one can answer her question.

Only the severe punishment of the law is waiting for her.

Any selfish behavior, violation of morals and laws, will cost her a cruel price.

Soon, the police came and took Lin Xuechan away.

And Yan Manqing was also taken to the hospital.

However, although she saved her life, Yan Manqing was determined by the doctor to be unable to wake up temporarily because of her injuries. Her spine and brain were damaged to varying degrees. The spine injury was caused by a dagger stabbing, and the brain injury was Caused by falling to the ground.

Even if she wakes up later, it is estimated that she can only lie in the hospital bed for a lifetime.

When Yan's father and Yan's mother learned of this, they were in tears. Recalling the time when the Yan family was boiled with fire and flowers, they tried every means to get the Ming family's engagement.

Later, he moved in a more wrong direction step by step, until he slipped into the abyss, and he couldn't change it anymore.

As for Lin Lide and Mrs. Lin, knowing that their daughter killed someone is another scene in prison, hate it? It’s not that I hate, but who do I hate?

If the Lin Family hadn't treated Mother Lin and Lin Motong like that, with Lin Motong's temperament, he would definitely not help Lin Xuechan.

Is it weird? But who is to blame?

Many things are caused by being too selfish.

Ming Ye Leng and Lin Motong were also embarrassed by the news.

Although I look down on the various actions of the Yan family and the Lin family, seeing that their entire family is now falling apart and falling into this situation, I can't help but feel humane.

Yueyue Ruirui had also heard a lot about this time, and came to ask Lin Motong what happened.

Lin Motong briefly told them, Rui Rui nodded immediately and said: "I know, no matter when, you can't do things that hurt others for your own personal gain. You can't break the law or commit a crime, otherwise, everything will be destroyed. Understand."

"Yes, Rui Rui understands very well." Lin Motong gently patted his head gently.

Ming Ye said coldly and solemnly: "It is okay to fight for benefits, but illegal means must not be used. The most important thing is to work hard by yourself, understand?

"Understood, Dadbi." Yueyue and Rui Rui nodded heavily.

"Go find Jing Chen and the others!" Ming Ye said with a cold smile.

Yueyue and Ruirui ran out, clinging to Lin Motong's waist tomorrow night, and whispered: "This time, the most important thing is that you didn't hurt you. If it weren't for Yan Manqing to kick in and say Maybe Lin Xuechan will succeed..."

"So many things are destined, and it is meaningless to force it." Lin Motong also had lingering fears, but in the end he believed that evil could overcome righteousness.

"By the way, Weiwei said, when the dust on the presidential election is settled, our family will also go to country c for a trip. Yueyue Ruirui and others have not been to country c. It's time to accompany them to visit. You Have you been to country c before?" Ming Ye said coldly.

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