Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1853: Second brother take me

Although the Lu family and the Qiao family did not regard today's affairs as a major event.

However, there are some whispers from outsiders.

The most popular is that the Lu family wanted to marry, but Qiao Zhen refused in one go. Yun Jin was rejected in public, and it hurts both in appearance and spirit.

In this kind of thing, the women who are easily injured are themselves women, and Yunjin's identity is different, so although these gossips are not directly spread on the stage, the outside world feels that Yunjin is underestimated, but they sympathize with her.

Yun Jin did not think so much.

She was thinking about how to realize her wish to join the army behind her parents.

Of course, the eldest brother will not work there anymore. The eldest brother and father have a temper, and they don't think she is suitable for the military camp, and will not agree to her.

The only hope is the second brother.

The second brother Lu Yiyang was admitted to the police academy of s country, and he is going to study there.

Yun Jin retreated to second place, planning to be unable to join the army, so becoming a policeman is also a good choice.

Having made up her mind, she immediately tiptoed into Lu Yiyang's room.

Lu Yiyang was packing his clothes, and he looked particularly delicate in the silhouette of the light.

Lu Yiyang looks like Yunwei, beautiful and beautiful, if you just look at his face, many people will mistake him for a girl.

Compared with Lu Zhanting and Lu Jingchen, although he is tall, he also looks thin and thin. If he has long hair, no one will doubt that he is a tall beauty.

"Second brother." Yun Jin jumped out, "I'll help you clean up."

"No." Lu Yiyang refused, "If you don't go to sleep, why are you sneaking in?"

"Second brother, take me with you."

"Where to take you?"

"Aren't you going to the National Police Academy of s?" Yun Jin asked, "I'll go with you too."

Lu Yiyang stopped: "I don't want to be cut by my father. You let me go, Miss."

"Second brother~" Yunjin begs, "You are my best second brother, please help me."

"No. The reason why I went to school in country s this time is because I don't want to be treated preferentially in country c because of my status as a royal family. In country s, I will act low-key myself. With you, wouldn't I be in vain? "

"Second brother who doesn't talk about morality..."

Lu Yiyang squeezed her shoulders: "Yun Jin, my eldest brother and I have already chosen two very unsafe roads. You still choose, don't you really consider your parents' worries?"

Yun Jin lowered her head, she has been fascinated since she was a child. She really did not think of being a young lady with good clothes and food, and would rather be a person capable of facing ups and downs.

"Goodbye. My second brother promises that I will accompany you out to play when I have time." Lu Yiyang kissed her forehead.

"Okay." Yun Jin knows that the second brother is gentle on the surface and has the same determination as his father in his bones. Once he makes a decision, he will not change easily.

It seems that I can only rely on myself.

She returned to the room and contacted someone, and that was Uncle Ning Yichen, who had always loved herself.

He has always been a master of hackers. If you find him, you can easily get a plane ticket to country s and a whole set of identities that do not belong to you.

And the best thing about Ning Yichen is that he will never reveal this to outsiders, including Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei.

After getting these, Yun Jin went straight to the airport.

"Lu Yunjin!" A voice stopped her.

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