Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1857: Don't forget who you are

It was the Qiao family who came in. He said loudly: "Our Qiao family has been in the army for generations, and our mission is to defend our country. That is our mission and our belonging. Even if Qiao Zhen is slightly weak, he How? The battle is not completely fought with the body, but with willpower and wisdom!"

He pointed to his head and said.

Mrs. Qiao knew that Mr. Qiao was always a military madman and a military expert. In these respects, all the Qiao family members were very strict.

Qiao Zhen used to follow him and was exercised countless times by him. In the past few years, Qiao Zhen has practiced morning and night runs every day. Although his physical strength has increased a lot, his weak body can only be trained like this. of.

Mrs. Qiao didn't know the identity of Qiao's daughter, and Mrs. Qiao didn't dare to say, she could only say softly: "Although Dad said it makes sense, it may not be suitable for military camp..."

"I think it's very suitable." Mr. Qiao said loudly, "Which one of our Qiao family's descendants was not made on the battlefield? It has not changed after so many years. I am in charge, Qiao Zhen I have to participate in the screening, and I must stay in the barracks in the future, and work hard towards the general position for me. It is better to inherit my father's career and come to the Ministry of National Defense!"

The more Mrs. Joe listened, the more guilty she became, and the more she listened, the more anxious she became.

She also wanted to wait until Qiao Zhen was a little older, and then give her daughter a proper name, so that people would know her daughter's identity, so that she could live a quiet life.

But now that this is the case, doesn't it have to be a waste?

"Dad..." Mrs. Joe wanted to persuade again.

Qiao Zhen has already appeared, and her childish voice sounded: "Mom, don't try to convince Grandpa. Anyway, I think Grandpa is right, isn't it just to participate in the screening? I am willing! I will work hard in the future. Dad’s position has improved."

"Really you..." Mrs. Joe winked at him, suggesting that she should not forget her identity.

But Qiao Zhen didn't even see it at all. In fact, since he was young, he didn't feel that his status was bad at all. On the contrary, he felt free and easy, and there was nothing bad about being a boy.

It is precisely because she has seen that many girls are not free when making various choices. Even Yun Jin is not allowed to join the army. She cherishes the identity of the boy now.

"As expected to be a good grandson of my Qiao family!" Father Qiao patted Qiao Zhen's shoulder with satisfaction, "Qiao Zhen has grown up too, come, grandpa will open a bottle of good wine tonight, and you can drink one with grandpa."

"Okay, grandpa." Qiao Zhen immediately took his old man's arm.

Mrs. Qiao looked worried, Qiao Longzhi patted his wife's hand and motioned her not to worry too much.

"Oh, we shouldn't conceal the true **** just to deceive the old man..." Mrs. Joe said regretfully.

Qiao Longzhi was also a little regretful, but thinking of all the possible involvements, he felt it was worth it, and said: "Everyone has his own life, so be it. The real path, let her go by herself."

Early the next morning, Mr. Qiao personally accompanied Qiao Zhen to the army, and gave her the packaged things. He told her a lot of things, and said goodbye to Qiao Zhenyi.

Qiao Zhen was raised as a boy since he was a child. Although he was a little weaker and not as tall as a real man, he picked up his bag and walked in unhurriedly. This momentum is not lost to a man at all.

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