Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1866: Was pushed out

Joe took a deep breath, isn't it just bungee jumping? She is not afraid.

It’s not built after learning from grandpa for so many years.

The people of Qiao's family are also a generational military family, so it is difficult to scare her.

She trimmed her dress.

Immediately someone started, tied a rope to their ankles, was thrown down, and when they were about to approach the water, they were pulled up again.

This kind of training is not particularly difficult, but it is still possible to pick out some courageous and poor physical fitness.

After all, sloshing on the turbulent waters, one must have excellent mental and physical qualities.

Both Meng Chong and Gao Chi were in front and finished without changing their faces.

For those who already have experience, this is really nothing.

Just when it was Qiao Zhen's turn, the crowd automatically separated a road. It turned out that Lu Jingchen had arrived.

Until now, no one didn't know the identity of Lu Jingchen.

Seeing him coming, everyone immediately fell silent, and did not dare to let out the atmosphere.

His aura has made people feel deeply oppressive. If instructor Yan is a monster that makes people feel scared all the time, then Lu Jingchen is a beast that does not move, and strikes a deadly beast.

Qiao Zhen's breathing was also stagnant. He squinted and glanced at Lu Jingchen secretly. I have to say that this man is really good-looking, let alone in the army, even in the entertainment industry, I can't find anyone more handsome than him.

"Continue." Lu Jingchen paused.

Instructor Yan resumed his normal training and shouted, "Next, Qiao Zhen."

Qiao Zhen took a deep breath and stood out. Lu Jingchen gave a wink. Instructor Yan didn't tie Qiao Zhen's feet, but pushed her out.

Everyone saw this scene, their eyes widened.

Qiao Zhen also noticed something and shouted: "Hey..."

But when she shouted out, the wind from Ling Xi immediately blocked her mouth, and a word quickly floated in the air. Her whole body was volleyed and she fell sharply directly toward the water.

There was no traction rope on her feet, her body fell into the turbulent water, hitting the water, her internal organs were surging with pain.

After taking a sip of water, she quickly floated up, instinctively grabbed the water, and approached the shore nearest to her.

Lu Jingchen turned his head again, and the two soldiers next to him immediately jumped off a high platform several tens of meters away, and immersed in the water. They reached Qiao Zhen's side. They only stepped forward to check her condition until they saw her climb ashore.

"Don't touch me!" Qiao Zhen exhaled hard and shouted, a faint pain came from his chest.

Of course it hurts. When a person enters the water, if the timing is wrong, and if he falls directly onto the water, it is almost the same as hitting the concrete floor directly from a tens of meters high platform.

Rao is Qiao Zhen's rich experience. He adjusted his posture when he entered the water while on the way to save his life.

But this pain is completely inevitable.

This Lu Jingchen! Public revenge, Qiao Zhen was angry.

If she hadn't worked out with her grandfather for so many years, and this time she was thrown down, where would her life be?

"We are ordered by the general to take you up." The two soldiers finished speaking and quickly brought Qiao Zhen to Lu Jingchen again.

Qiao Zhen was thrown in front of Lu Jingchen, lying on the ground, spitting out two mouthfuls of water, but he stood up and glared at Lu Jingchen.

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