Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1876: Courage at the critical moment

"Yes." Lu Jingchen replied, "what about the person who was arrested?"

Everyone looked at each other. Some people said they would wait for the police to come, and some people advocate saving people first.

"But it's too dangerous to save people. After all, the enemy has a gun." Some people looked hesitant.

Someone immediately agreed and said: "The other party seems to be asking for money and taking a hostage to leave. It shouldn't hurt his life. He should be released soon."

There was a lot of discussion and various discussions, but Lu Jingchen did not speak, unless someone asked him, he would offer one or two opinions.

The rest of the people behaved very anxiously, but Lu Jingchen had always had no special expression.

Some people are angry, knowing that Lu Jingchen's status is noble, and they didn't take the lives of their students into their hearts.

One of the students named Zhang Qiang said angrily: "Everyone, this is our own business, and don't think about solving it by others. In my opinion, let's save people first, and collective action is the safest thing."

Someone responded immediately.

Qiao Zhen frowned, glanced at Lu Jingchen, and then said: "This is not appropriate. We don't know the true purpose of those people. If everyone goes up together, they will all die. I think we should follow the method just mentioned. Okay, find a few people to cover each other and go to the city for help. Even if they don’t need to go to the city, they may have a signal if they run out a short distance. Leave a few people on standby in the car, in case other vehicles pass by. Call for help in time. One more thing, we choose a few quick-acting people to track down the enemy who has taken the hostages. Only in this way can we ensure the safety of everyone by working together.

"You are too procrastinating like this! And dividing so many people into such small pieces, no matter what the other party's intentions are, isn't this just enough for them to deal with us better?" Zhang Qiang completely disagrees with Qiao Zhen's opinion.

Qiao Zhen said loudly: "I still think that my method is better. I can save people while trying my best to protect ourselves. If those people really want to threaten our lives, they should do it just now. How can they wait until now?"

Qiao Zhen's words were more convincing, and many people stood silently behind her.

Qiao Zhen immediately picked a few people and said, "You come with me. If the hostages have no safety issues for the time being, we can follow up first and wait for the opportunity to rescue them. Try our best to wait for the rescue troops to arrive."

"Good." Everyone nodded.

Qiao Zhen immediately set off with everyone.

"I'll go too." Lu Jingchen stood up and said.

Qiao Zhen said with a cold face: "Whatever you want."

Everyone set off in a group to look for the enemy's car.

This is a mountain road, and it is very tortuous. If you speed up your pace, you will indeed have a chance to catch up with those people.

Because Lu Jingchen didn't care at all, Qiao Zhen was the master along the way.

Although she is not tall, people around her still trust her to stand up at this critical moment.

Coupled with Lu Jingchen's inaction, everyone wants to show their ability and not be looked down upon by this so-called general.

Everyone had the experience of marching on foot and was eager to save people. Soon they found the enemy's convoy.

Qiao Zhen made a booing motion, and everyone lowered their heads, watching the movement ahead.

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