She immediately wanted to open the door, only to realize that the car door was locked.

"Lu Jingchen, what are you doing?" Qiao Zhen said angrily, "I still have friends to pick me up. Why are you dragging me here?"

"Apologize to Yunjin." Lu Jingchen said.

"I... Lu Jingchen, did you make a mistake? Lu Yunjin herself didn't want to be engaged to me. Besides, I asked her to apologize long ago. There is no need to do it again? Besides, this is not my fault. I……"

"What are you?" Lu Jingchen tilted his head to look at her. His profile was sharp and angular, which seemed particularly oppressive.

"I..." Qiao really knew that he couldn't talk about the loss of his daughter. "Between Yun Jin and I, there is no need for any apology or anything. If you don't believe me, ask her."

"Then ask in person." Lu Jingchen didn't give in at all.

Qiao was really angry: "How can you be like this? It's impossible between me and Lu Yunjin. Is it possible that if your sister likes someone, you have to force others to accept your sister?"

Lu Jingchen pursed his lips and said nothing.

"You are really overbearing! Are you a brother like this? Even if you love your sister, you can't force others?"

Lu Jingchen looked at her angrily: "Yun Jin really doesn't like you. Even if you do, the royal family may not be able to accept a man with your qualifications. But this time the rumors from the outside world are caused by you. You must apologize to Yun Jin in person!"

"Then I say no?" Qiao Zhen said stubbornly.

"Then you don't want to go back!" Lu Jingchen grabbed her wrist and approached her, with her white skin inverted in her eyes, and her facial features that were too delicate for a man.

Qiao Zhen suddenly smiled: "Okay, then take me to find Lu Yunjin. After I find it, I will chase her to see if she will like me. When the time comes, your royal family will not accept me, so you have to accept me. However, I will not give her sincerely..."

"Dare you!" Dangerous fire flashed in Lu Jingchen's eyes.

"Then you see if I dare. It's a big deal, I won't go back to train or participate in the screening. Anyway, I am the young master of the Qiao family. What do I want, where do I need to work hard? Then I will specifically pursue Lu Yunjin. Well. As the saying goes, good women are afraid of stalking men, what do you think?

Lu Jingchen stretched out his hand and pinched her chin. Qiao Zhen was forced to stop talking and stared at Lu Jingchen.

"You have to dare to mess with Yunjin, I guarantee that your Qiao family has no place to die!"

His words were cold and serious, causing the pressure in the car to drop instantly. Qiao Zhen couldn't help but tremble slightly, but he still stared at Lu Jingchen stubbornly.

But Lu Jingchen felt her tremor very obvious, and he let go of his hand with satisfaction, knowing that Qiao was really scared.

Qiao Zhen rubbed his sore chin and looked at Lu Jingchen angrily.

Lu Jingchen no longer looked at her.

The car quickly reached its destination, a hotel.

Lu Jingchen took out his credentials, the lobby manager did not ask a word, and directly handed the room card to him respectfully.

"Didn't you go to see Lu Yunjin?" Qiao Zhen asked.

Lu Jingchen did not answer and opened the door of the room.

"Then where do I live?" Qiao Zhen couldn't help asking, seeing that there was only one room.

Lu Jingchen locked the door with his backhand: "When you see Yun Jin tomorrow, you can apologize sincerely and you can leave."

It turned out to be for this!

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