Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1889: Nausea you

Lu Jingchen looked at her coldly.

Qiao Zhen said loudly: "If you weren't aggressive, I would make this move? Besides, I just wanted to make you sick. Who knew if you turned your head, I would accidentally touch your lips! You kiss me now , Is really disgusting!"

"Just know! I warn you, don't touch me in the future." Lu Jingchen's eyes flashed with disgust, not only because of Qiao Zhen, but also because, just now, for a moment, he almost really kissed Qiao Zhen. This feeling is really uncomfortable!

What he gave birth to was hatred of himself!

Qiao Zhen bit his lip: "You are a general, and I dare not resist you, but it doesn't mean that you are a general and just do to me. Now you can let me go?"

"Get out!" Lu Jingchen roared.

Qiao really is a little bit inexplicable, he is obviously the one who kissed her, what is his temper now?

She bowed, turned and walked out.

This Lu Jingchen is really too domineering, everything is true.

She stretched out her hand to touch her lips, there was still a trace of cold on it, and Qiao Zhen's face immediately became scorching hot.

Isn't it? He still loves his kiss?

Qiao Zhen quickly dismissed the idea.

She's a girl's thing, and she will not plan to tell it all in her life, and she has never wanted to confide in anyone. This is something she has decided since she was a child.

So dispel this idea as soon as possible. She is a man, and a man who wants to inherit the Qiao family's family business must not destroy the Qiao family's family business because of her identity.

Thinking of this, Joe really calmed down.

Lu Jingchen narrowed his eyes towards the apple on the desktop, and he reached out and grabbed it. It seemed that there was still Qiaozhen's breath on it.

Damn it!

He faced the window and threw the apple fiercely.

"Come here!" Lu Jingchen shouted.

"General!" A lieutenant general came in immediately, at any time at his disposal.

"Pack things and return to the troops tomorrow." Lu Jingchen ordered.

"General, shall we wait for the training of these students to be completed?" the lieutenant general said in confusion.

This time Lu Jingchen came here specifically for this group of students. Lu Jingchen had done the training for the previous month and a half.

This makes the outside world very optimistic about the group of students who were personally led by Lu Jingchen, thinking that among this group of students, there is a greater chance of producing outstanding talents.

Who knew Lu Jingchen was about to leave.

"I asked you to pack things, don't you understand?" Lu Jingchen asked back.

The Lieutenant General realized that Lu Jingchen was in a bad mood, and immediately did not dare to ask any more questions, and went out to arrange to pack his things.

Lu Jingchen took the people and left here overnight.

After a few days, Lu Jingchen did not show up at the training venue, and this group of students finally confirmed that Lu Jingchen had left.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. When Lu Jingchen was around, the training was extremely strict.

But immediately, they realized that without Lu Jingchen there, it would be impossible to relax in the training.

Instructor Yan's training began to gradually increase, and they did not give them any chance to breathe.

The test everyone has to face will be even more difficult.

Qiao Zhen couldn't bother to think too much about why Lu Jingchen wanted to leave, and his matter itself was not something others could understand.

So Qiao Zhen devoted all her energy to face the training, and she soon stood out among all the students and performed well.

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