Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1908: Protect yourself

The first person to jump off the helicopter was Lu Jingchen.

Immediately behind him, there were countless soldiers with live ammunition.

All the team members couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw such a situation. They were immediately full of hope and aroused fighting spirit.

Lu Jingchen ordered: "Take all the team members away! Let's stay and pick up those with real guns!"

Suddenly, all the team members were relieved, which meant that they finally did not have to stay.

The soldiers began to cover the team members on the helicopter.

At the critical moment, Qiao Zhen did not go to the front, but first covered the other team members to get on the plane.

All kinds of helicopters came over and started to pick up the team.

Seeing that most of the team members were picked up, those with real guns suddenly began to fight back desperately.

Under the suppression of such powerful firepower, the helicopter could no longer get close to the dense forest, nor could it take anyone out.

And Qiao Zhen and several other players have not been able to leave yet.

Lu Jingchen waved, and several soldiers began to counterattack.

Qiao Zhen said from the side: "Looking at the people with real guns, they don't look like ordinary team members. They are most likely well-trained soldiers."

"They seem to be coming south towards Huaguan." Lu Jingchen came here for a while and saw it.

"You mean they are going to target Hua Guannan?" Qiao Zhen said.

Lu Jingchen pointed to the surrounding terrain and said: "Look at the direction of their siege, they are basically coming towards Huaguan South. The pressure on others is very small, and all the firepower is concentrated on Huaguan South. "

The Lieutenant General ran over and said: "General, you just asked us to withdraw Hua Guannan first, but now the helicopter cannot land and approach, and there is no way to take Hua Guannan away. Hua Guannan is still here."

And it seems that the equipment and clothing of those people are particularly like those of a certain unit.

Qiao Zhen said suddenly, "General, do you mean that it was the member who suffered a head injury before. Has anyone in the family come to Hua Guannan for revenge? The injured member's name is Guo. The Guo family is also in the army, although The power is not very big, but it is still possible to send a small team to target Hua Guannan. The clothes of these people are indeed like those of the Guo family..."

Others have also noticed that their firepower is all suppressed in the direction of Hua Guannan, with the intention of putting Hua Guannan to death.

However, Hua Guannan offended others, and they want revenge, which is also a normal choice.

Lu Jingchen said: "Arrange people to pick up Hua Guannan. No matter what he does or violates any rules, it will be handed over to the military to deal with it, so these people can make trouble in private!"

"Yes." The Lieutenant General immediately sent a large number of people to meet Hua Guannan.

The others were a little silent. This time Hua Guannan deliberately injured the opposing team member, and it made sense that they wanted to come for revenge.

It's just a pity that everyone has to suffer with him.

Lu Jingchen ordered: "Arrange two teams of soldiers to protect the students who stayed here, and the others will go over there with me to clean up the remaining dangerous elements in the dense forest."

"General, I will go with you too." Qiao Zhen said immediately.

Lu Jingchen glanced at her: "You are only a student, you are not suitable for missions with me. Protecting your own safety is the greatest victory."

Qiao Zhen took a step forward: "General, the situation in the dense forest is very complicated. We have been fighting in it before. Now let's go with you."

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