Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1919: He is about to start marriage

When the lieutenant general left, Qiao Zhen couldn't help but said: "General, you really have a good eye, this Hua family has a lot of problems. This time they finally got stuck."

Speaking of it, the Hua family and the Qiao family have always been their biggest enemies. The Hua family is dissatisfied with the Qiao family's occupying the position of Minister of Defense. For so many years, they have been trying to compete with the Qiao family.

Including this screening, Hua Guannan also kept secretly against Qiao Zhen.

If it weren't for Lu Jingchen's eyes like torches, the Qiao family might be suppressed by the Hua family.

So Joe really appreciates and admires, all are true.

"Anyway, thank you anyway." Qiao Zhen said while looking at Lu Jingchen. "The previous thing, whether you are against me or I, is it written off?"

"What can I do before I talk to you?" Lu Jingchen asked rhetorically.

Seeing his cold expression, Qiao Zhen scratched his hair, and said, "Well, well, I'll count myself as passionate. It's really nothing."

Seeing that Lu Jingchen had nothing to say, Qiao Zhen turned around and left.

When he came out, gleefully, Gao Chi ran over: "Qiao Zhen, have you also received the admission of C National Army?"

"Yeah." Joe really smiled and nodded.

"Me too." Gao Chi smiled like a child.

"Well, that's great." When Qiao Zhen thought that he had not shamed the Qiao family at all, he was very happy. She was lucky to go to school with Gao Chi.

After screening, everyone can rest for a while before returning to school.

This time, Joe really returned home with Cress.

When Mrs. Qiao saw Qiao Zhen, she was happy and worried, and she cried with excitement while holding her.

Qiao Longzhi has become accustomed to and accepted his daughter's current situation, and patted her on the shoulder: "Since I have chosen this path, I will go on well."

"I will, Dad." Qiao Zhen nodded heavily.

"By the way, your grandfather and Lu Jingchen have been very close recently. Lu Jingchen hasn't embarrassed you anymore, right?" Qiao Longzhi was a little worried that the previous Yunjin incident would affect Lu Jingchen's view of Qiaozhen.

Qiao really thought about it: "It's okay, anyway, he is very proud, and there is nothing to look down on."

"Well, as long as there is no embarrassment for you. Recently, the royal family is arranging marriage for Lu Jingchen..."

"Marriage?" Qiao Zhen was a little surprised, faintly uncomfortable in his heart, but he didn't realize why.

Qiao Longzhi said: "Lu Jingchen is a member of the royal family. Don't say he is so old in the royal family over the years. He used to be married when he was only a few years old. Many royal marriages are impossible for them to decide by themselves. Now the king Although the queen and the queen are very enlightened, they can't stand the rules of the etiquette department and the marriage department of the royal family. What's more, the behavior of the entire royal family is stared by thousands of people all over the country. Lu Jingchen's marriage event is impossible. It's too ridiculous."

"Oh." Joe was really dull.

Qiao Longzhi said: "Which girl Lu Jingchen chooses this time has a lot to do with us... However, as long as he doesn't choose the Chinese family, the impact on us will not be so great."

"The Hua family is going to fall apart because of Hua Guannan's affairs. It is impossible for Lu Jingchen to choose their girl." Qiao Zhen said immediately.

"Yeah, so the Hua family did it by themselves."

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