Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1927: No matter how good it is, it is qualified

Qiao really remembered that when Lu Jingchen came before, he brought the order soldiers?

He wants an orderly soldier, where can he find it?

Just looking for her?

I always feel a bad premonition in my heart. Is it because of Yunjin's affairs that he holds a huge prejudice against himself, and deliberately does this?

Qiao Zhen stood in the doorway, thinking about it. The door suddenly opened in front of her. Lu Jingchen appeared in front of her. He was taking a shower. He came out with his bare arms. Really couldn't help but look at his perfect figure.

But as her gaze fell, she saw what she shouldn't, and only then discovered that Lu Jingchen was not wearing a bathrobe.

"Hey..." Qiao Zhen immediately turned his face away, his face turned red, does this man have any special habit?

This is the second time Qiao Zhen accidentally saw him like this.

Even in the dormitory, the men in the whole dorm are not like this?

Lu Jingchen has been living among men since he was a child. He has long been accustomed to this way. He didn't care about Qiaozhen's expression at all. He closed the door and said, "All the rules are on the coffee table, you see for yourself."

Qiao Zhen said "Oh", walked to the coffee table, picked up the rules and looked.

It was clearly written on what she had to do. In addition to daily living and eating, she was responsible for washing Lu Jingchen's clothes.

The corners of her lips twitched. Did Lu Jingchen choose to be a maid?

"You sleep in the next room." After Lu Jingchen explained, he returned to his room.

Qiao really breathed a sigh of relief. He had been naked, but fortunately he hadn't swayed back and forth in front of her eyes. Otherwise, she was really worried about whether she could survive.

At this point, Joe really felt that his miserable life had just begun.

After making the bed and lying down, she finally found some comfort. This room was much better than the dormitory.

With Lu Jingchen's level and his identity, he is qualified even if he lives well.

The decoration and layout of this two-bedroom and one living room are very delicate.

And with this separate room, Joe really has a lot of privacy protected to the utmost extent.

She doesn't even have to worry about her pajamas being seen by others at night, and she doesn't need to wear thick pajamas to cover it up when it is no longer hot.

When he woke up, Qiao Zhen quickly got up, arranged everything in two minutes, washed up in three minutes, and then went to have breakfast.

Lu Jingchen's food was also received in the cafeteria, but it was different from other people's standards. His food was served on the top floor, while the others were on the first and second floors.

Qiao Zhen went to the cafeteria, Gao Chi took her share and handed it to her: "Qiao Zhen, yours."

"Thanks. Then I'm going to the top floor." Qiao Zhen ran to the top floor.

There were almost no people on the top floor, only a few lieutenant general-level instructors' orders were serving breakfast to the lieutenant general.

The breakfast here is comparable to a buffet in a five-star hotel. Qiao Zhen took a lot according to the taste and portion he saw in the notes last night, and then hurried back.

When he returned, Lu Jingchen had already packed up.

He wears a military uniform and is heroic.

Qiao Zhen immediately put the food on the table and said respectfully: "General, breakfast is ready."

Lu Jingchen sat at the dining table, and the food in front of him included eggs, beef, caviar, milk, foie gras, etc. Basically, the taste and quantity were guaranteed to the maximum.

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