Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1937: Even you bullied

"Halo, these people are still endless?" Yun Jin couldn't help shaking his head, "There is nothing between me and Qiao Zhen. They must care about me when they say Qiao Zhen. , Doesn’t this recognize that I still remember Qiao Zhen?"

Lu Yiyang saw that she was a little hairy, and quickly touched her head and smoothed her hair: "Qiao is the real thing, just put it aside. Don't be angry, be good. It's rare to come back once, and you can't be angry about these little things. Let's go to see the big brother Right."

Before reaching Lu Jingchen's room, they saw Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei walking towards each other.

"Dad, mom." Yun Jin rushed into Yun Wei's arms like a bird, holding her mother and not letting go.

Lu Yiyang also stood in front of them.

Looking at his son, Lu Zhanting saw that he grew taller and his body became a lot stronger. He was very satisfied and said, "Is it okay over there?"

"Everything is fine, Dad." Lu Yiyang said hurriedly.

"Is my sister making trouble?" Lu Zhanting asked seriously.

The last time Yun Jin ran to the country of s privately caused a lot of trouble, and even the Qiao family trembled for a while.

It wasn't until Ming Ye Leng's help that Yunjin was settled, and the family was relieved.

Before Lu Yiyang could answer, Yun Jin laughed: "Dad, how could I make trouble for the second brother. Not only did I not make trouble for him, but I also helped him a lot."

Yun Wei said with interest: "What's up? You can still help your second brother? Why didn't I know that my little baby became so powerful."

"Of course, if you don't believe me, ask my second brother." Yun Jin smiled brightly. Before Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei could ask Lu Yiyang, she said, "You didn't know that when my second brother went to the police academy, he was Many boys don’t look down on them. They say that the second brother is too beautiful and looks like a girl. They always talk about the second brother, saying that he will definitely not be able to survive the training or something."

Yun Wei looked at Lu Yiyang distressedly.

Lu Zhanting was also unbearable. This second son of his was completely out of Yun Wei. Except for his face, eyebrows and height, everything else looked like Yun Wei.

Although there are upright and straight heights of Lu's family, if you look at the face alone, no matter how you look at it, they still feel too girly.

Even after nearly a year of tempering, now I am back, my skin still looks like a girl, and there is no trace of tanning at all. How I look at it, I envy women.

Just as a man, it's really too gentle.

Yun Jin squeezed his fist and said: "Although the second brother has proved his abilities with his fists, those boys still like to make jokes about the second brother. If you are in country c, everyone knows the identity of the second brother. Do you dare to chase him indiscriminately? It's also a place like Country S, and the second brother has never revealed his identity. Those people dare to treat him like this!

Yun Wei said softly: "You have chosen to hide your true identity to study. You really have to endure something that ordinary people can't bear. It's just really hard work for you two. But Yun Jin, how did you help your second brother?"

"Once, I went to school to meet my second brother for dinner. I was seen by those boys..."

"They won't even bully you?" Yun Wei immediately became worried.

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