Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1941: The price of transcending morality

"Abandon him, forget him, he is not worthy and not suitable for you to pay a price that transcends morality for this." Lu Jingchen said powerfully.

He was afraid that Yun Jin would hurt himself for feelings, so he immediately said, "Who is that?"

"It's no one, brother, don't be so nervous." Yun Jin laughed, "I just talk about it casually. Anyway, I would never like someone who already has a master."

"Yes." Lu Jingchen nodded.

Yun Jin went on to say: "Then you have to do the same. Don't like people who are not worthy of your feelings, or you will end up hurting yourself."

Lu Jingchen was taken aback for a moment. Yun Jin's words clearly meant there was something in the words.

He laughed, and then said: "Why, I have been out for such a short time, in front of the big brother, I have to preach?"

"No, big brother, I just don't want to see you so low. In fact, you are totally worthy of being better. If a girl chooses someone else but not you, then it must be her loss." Yun Jin said, taking a subconscious glance. Cress, Cress was talking affectionately with Qiao Zhen, and they looked very close.

Qiao Zhen has been picking vegetables for cress.

Lu Jingchen naturally saw this picture too, his eyes condensed slightly, but did not stop.

"Big Brother." Yun Jin whispered, stretched out his palm and placed it on the back of his hand, with a soothing gesture.

"It's okay." Lu Jingchen felt very relieved. His younger sister has grown up and knows how to care for people, and even noticed his unknown lowness.

However, she mistakenly thought that the person he liked was Cress, but she didn't know that he was just for Qiao's sake.

Compared with girls, people who like Qiao Zhen's more inaccessible identity are the deadliest.

But Yun Jin was right, he really couldn't let his emotions be on the pointless person.

"Big brother, let's play with us recently. My second brother and I have many friends and classmates, and we will have a party together. You can also take the opportunity to meet many other girls." Yun Jin invited with a smile.

"Let's talk about it then, you know I don't like those scenes." Lu Jingchen shook his head slightly.

Yun Jin nodded: "It's okay."

After dinner, Lu Jingchen and Yun Jin left, Qiao Zhen and Cress almost finished eating, I don't know if they were too addicted to each other's feelings, and they didn't even notice the existence of Lu Jingchen and Yun Jin.

When he arrived at the parking lot, Yun Jin said with a smile: "Big brother, I want to see a friend, you go back first."

"I will leave the driver and bodyguard to you. You come back early, don't worry about us." Lu Jingchen arranged for someone to look after Yunjin, and then he called another driver over and sent him back to the royal family.

Yun Jin stayed with selfish intentions. She really wanted to talk to Cress. Lu Jingchen might not be involved, but she wanted to know what Cress was thinking.

"Qiao Zhen, Cress!" Yun Jin stopped them in the parking lot.

"Miss Lu." Cress' expression suddenly became formal.

Qiao Zhen also saw Yunjin and smiled: "Yunjin, you are back."

"Qiao Zhen, Cress, between you..." Yun Jin couldn't help but hesitatingly asked as they watched them holding hands, trying to confirm their relationship.

Qiao Zhen was worried that Yun Jin would like herself. Although this probability was relatively small, before the royal family vigorously talked about the marriage, it really frightened Qiao Zhen.

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