Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1944: Spend money on women

Seeing that Lu Jingchen was really angry, the woman had to grab the money and clothes and hurriedly left the room.

Feeling the door open, Qiao Zhen hurriedly stepped aside, only to see a very cool-dressed woman coming out of Lu Jingchen’s room. Judging from her dress and behavior, this woman was not serious at first sight. People.

She was counting the money as she walked, and it seemed that Lu Jingchen had rewarded her after she was done.

Nausea emerged in Qiao Zhen's heart, followed by discomfort. She thought what happened to Lu Jingchen, but she did not expect to do such a thing.

Spending money on women? With this kind of woman who can do her best, isn't this a *** trick-prostitution?

I originally thought that this kind of behavior would only happen to that kind of inferior man, but I didn't expect it would happen to Lu Jingchen as well. Qiao Zhen's view of him has really changed completely.

She turned and left angrily.

I thought he was different from other men, but he didn't expect it to be no different.

Usually, he looks cold and domineering, but in private, he also comes to eat and drink.

Joe is really in a bad mood.

Although what kind of person he is and what he does has nothing to do with her. In his capacity, he has the power and qualifications to do anything, but Qiao Zhen still feels flustered.

To solve the needs, can’t you just fall in love? Why is it necessary?

Qiao really saw it through. Lu Jingchen was a man who didn't want to be responsible to women, but wanted to take all the benefits.


Lu Jingchen sent the woman away, opened the window, took a breath of cold air, and his face was calm.

But the bottom of my heart is surging.

He really couldn't be interested in women!

The woman whom the subordinates found was a stunner, but he had no feeling for her at all, and even instinctively had a physical aversion!

Just touching him with her finger made him vomit a little bit uncomfortable.

And the strong smell of perfume and the smell of rouge gouache, everything made him feel very uncomfortable.

So...Do you really like men? Only men can make themselves feel heartbeat?

Lu Jingchen raised his head and punched his temple hard, making his head aching.

He took a new glass, opened a bottle of red wine, poured two glasses into it, and suppressed his surging emotions.

When I returned to the royal family, it was late.

Yun Jin is still waiting for him.

As soon as I saw him, I rushed up to support him: "Brother! Why are you drinking? What's the matter? Go and cook some sober soup for my eldest brother."

The following words are addressed to the servant.

Yun Jin helped him sit down, and soon the sober soup came.

Lu Jingchen shook his head: "No, I'm not drunk."

"Is this not drunk yet?" Yun Jin felt very distressed. "Drink some, brother."

Lu Jingchen couldn't help her kindness, and opened his mouth to drink half a bowl.

"What happened, brother?" Yun Jin asked, gently squeezing his neck and massaging his head.

"It's okay, Yun Jin. Don't tell your parents, make them worry." Lu Jingchen whispered.

"Is it still because of the cress?" Yun Jin asked worriedly.

Lu Jingchen shook his head slowly. He couldn't say some words, and he couldn't get rid of some feelings and emotions.

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