Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1949: Came to her in a second

Qiao Zhen was hit by the air wave and rolled on the ground twice. He opened his dizzy eyes and saw that she had been hugged by Lu Jingchen. Otherwise, she would have been bombed just now.

It's just that she didn't understand why Lu Jingchen moved so fast. It was obvious that he was still far away from her just now. I don't know why. At the moment when she was threatened, he was by her side in almost a second.

Gao Chi and Cheng Deyuan ran over immediately and asked loudly, "Are you okay, General, Qiao Zhen?"

There was still dust and smoke everywhere, Qiao Zhen shook his head, but saw Lu Jingchen's face pale.

"What's wrong with you?" Qiao Zhen asked immediately.

Lu Jingchen shook his head slightly: "It's okay."

But the voice changed a little, as if he was very painful.

Cheng Deyuan shouted: "The general was injured in his back and was hit by the fragments of the bomb."

"It's okay, don't say anything." Lu Jingchen said immediately, "Continue to complete the exercise."

"But there was a lot of bleeding..." Cheng Deyuan judged that his injury was not minor.

"This kind of minor injury doesn't need to mobilize everyone. Everyone continue." Lu Jingchen let go of Qiao Zhen and wanted to stand up, but knelt before standing up again.

Qiao Zhen immediately stood up and supported him, feeling complicated in her heart. She did not expect that at the critical moment, Lu Jingchen could save her regardless of the predecessors.

If it hadn't been for Lu Jingchen's words just now, she might have been bombed beyond recognition.

"General Lu, let me accompany you." Qiao Zhen picked up the gun and immediately followed him.

"No." Lu Jingchen didn't want to be with her. After this exercise, he didn't want to have any intersection with her.

But during the entire exercise, he was still paying attention to her condition.

Just now she was injured in order to save another man, and he still couldn't help saving her. This made Lu Jingchen very dissatisfied with him, and he would never be with her again.

Qiao Zhen made a few steps to catch up, but Lu Jingchen had already gone further ahead.

Joe really had to stop.

Cheng Deyuan said: "Qiao Zhen, thank you. I didn't expect you to come to save me."

"It's okay." Qiao Zhen looked at Lu Jingchen's back and sighed.

"In this way, General Lu is pretty good, except for being a little arrogant...Forget it, he won't let you follow, we don't have to follow, let's be together." Cheng Deyuan said.

Qiao really nodded, picked up the gun and followed.

When the entire 15-day exercise was over, everyone returned to the station, exhausted, and when the end whistle was blown, everyone lay down on the spot, just like that.

"In the last game, there was no death, and no one was injured except General Lu. It was finally a perfect ending battle." Gao Chi had received the news and said, lying on the ground looking at the sky.

Qiao Zhen's heart was tense when he thought that Lu Jingchen was still injured.

Thinking that even if he went to see him by himself, he probably wouldn't let him watch it, and Joe really didn't have the motivation to get up.

Everyone was lying on the ground, looking at the sky quietly, as if experiencing a huge aftermath.

No one spoke.

Suddenly, a soldier from the nursing team ran into the garrison: "General Lu was injured and he lost too much blood and passed out!"

The student lying on the ground whispered: "I heard that General Lu was injured to save people... Just now in order to take everyone to complete the task, he did not withdraw, so..."

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