Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1957: No one disturbed

"But General, you have been fined, and I ran away well, can you not drive me..." The lieutenant was dumbfounded and looked at Lu Jingchen with a bitter expression.

Lu Jingchen was lying on his stomach with his back to him, and the Lieutenant General asked Qiao Zhenbi for help.

Qiao Zhen couldn't help but laugh, and said, "Lieutenant General, go and pack your things."

"Qiao Zhen, even you!" The lieutenant admiral was really hard to say, and originally expected Qiao Zhen to say something nice to himself.

Unexpectedly, Joe really couldn't count on turning around.

Qiao Zhen smiled and said, "Lieutenant General, what did you say to those guests when you were downstairs just now?"

"I didn't say anything special, I just said that the general has returned to the army and asked them not to disturb. I swear that I will never say anything to trouble the general." The lieutenant general raised his hand.

"Yeah, you are all generals and have returned to the army. You are still here, do you say others believe it?" Qiao Zhen asked.

"Yeah, I am the person who has been following the general. If the general is gone, I shouldn't stay here. So the general doesn't mean to drive me away, but just wants me to act more realistically?" The lieutenant general reacted and said immediately, "I'll leave right away and go to clean up. Thank you General, thank you Qiao Zhen."

"Stupid!" Lu Jingchen cursed.

"I'm really not as smart as Joe." The Lieutenant General couldn't help laughing.

But Qiao Zhen didn't think that the Lieutenant General was stupid. He just made a mistake just now and was impatient, so he would be confused. The person who has been with Lu Jingchen for so many years is definitely not an ordinary person.

Qiao Zhen lowered his head and laughed, then read it to Lu Jingchen softly, with a smile in his voice.

Lu Jingchen looked at her smiling face, but he couldn't look back.

The Lieutenant General packed up his things and ran over and said, "General, what should I do if all the people we took have left and no one will take care of you? Or I will keep two people and say that I will stay to take care of the house. "

"No, Qiao Zhen is here. Just make sure there is food in the kitchen." Lu Jingchen said.

The lieutenant looked at Qiao Zhen, thinking that she had a set of strengths or caring for her, and she was relieved: "Then I will go one step ahead. Blame me, you left, and now you have no one. Take care. Obviously there is a better way to send those guests away."

"It is good to say that I am gone." Lu Jingchen affirmed his point.

The lieutenant general became happy: "Then I filled the refrigerator and left. The door was locked from the outside. Then you have to come out, just pull it open. No one dare to come here."

"Okay, you can go." Lu Jingchen frowned.

The lieutenant general went out, and within ten minutes, the entire villa was completely clean, no one was left, and all the sanitation was completely clean and spotless, as if no one had ever lived.

The soldiers led by Lu Jingchen were really well-trained, with good qualities in all aspects.

As for Lu Jingchen's injury, the doctor gave the medicine and said that it was not a big problem, and Qiao Zhen could help him change it, so everything was not a big problem.

The problem of eating is better solved. There are convenience foods in the refrigerator. Although Qiao Zhen is not good at cooking, he has been specially trained. All kinds of convenience foods can be eaten by soaking, so there is no need to worry.

Qiao Zhen spent a whole day with Lu Jingchen without anyone interrupting him, not to mention how relaxing the days were.

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