Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1959: Found her secret

Wan Jiazhi originally wanted to come to see Lu Jingchen, but when he came, he knew that Lu Jingchen had already moved away and had returned to the army.

Wan Jiazhi was disappointed, but he didn't want to let it go. He still wanted to come over and try his luck, what if?

She is going around the villa.

Unexpectedly, she actually met Cress and went to see Qiao Zhen.

She hurriedly ducked to hide, watching Cress and Qiao Zhen talk for a while before Cress left.

Seeing Qiao Zhen's back, Wan Jiazhi fell into deep thought: "What is Qiao Zhen doing here? Qiao Zhen has always been an orderly soldier of Lu Jingchen. Could it be that Lu Jingchen hasn't moved out at all, and is still staying here? Lu Jingchen moved away. Just a smoke bomb?"

It must be! Wan Jiazhi became excited.

Lu Jingchen must have not moved out yet, otherwise he wouldn't let Qiao Zhen stay here.

But Wan Jiazhi did not say anything.

If only oneself knew that Lu Jingchen was still living here, then it would be a great opportunity for oneself. If he went out loudly and was known by outsiders, he would take his chance.

But Wan Jiazhi knew how to get close to Lu Jingchen as soon as possible, and he still had to think about it.

Otherwise, it would be boring to have a closed door like the previous few times.

Joe really took the things and went to the bathroom to change them.

After I came out, I remembered that the cress brought me soup and food.

Thinking of the convenience foods that I had eaten for Lu Jingchen all day, those things were only used to fill his stomach during training and marching. They had no nutrition at all and did not benefit Lu Jingchen's wounds.

Qiao Zhen originally wanted to make soup for Lu Jingchen. Now it's really simple. There are ready-made ones, but his mother made it. Even if it was given to Lu Jingchen, it would not be considered to have failed the soup cooks.

Qiao really thought for a while, heated up the soup and food, and took it to Lu Jingchen's room.

"General, I will bring you something to eat." Qiao Zhen pushed the door in. Lu Jingchen smelled the scent and looked at Qiao Zhen.

Lu Jingchen sat up, Qiao Zhen was busy helping him: "Don't get up first, I'll feed you."

"No, I'll eat it myself." Lu Jingchen sat down and smelled the scent, "You made it?"

Qiao Zhen originally wanted to say that his mother did it, but he was afraid that Lu Jingchen would continue to question Cress, and blamed her for letting Cress know this place, so he didn't say it, but said softly, "I did it myself."

"Very fragrant." Lu Jingchen nodded, "Unexpectedly, you can cook soup."

Qiao was really guilty, didn't dare to say more, only said: "Then you drink more."

Lu Jingchen picked it up and drank the soup very seriously. Qiao Zhen added vegetables to him: "You eat more, it will heal quickly."

Lu Jingchen was quiet and serious, and quickly wiped out all the food and soup Qiao Zhen had brought.

Qiao Zhen smiled: "That's good. Just eat more so that the wound will heal quickly."

"Then you will cook tomorrow." Lu Jingchen said, the food suits his taste, and he is all satisfied.

Perhaps half of it stems from the taste of the food itself, and the other half is because of these things, Joe really made them.

Qiao was really startled, but nodded, "Okay, I'll make it for you tomorrow."

"Then you go back and rest first, good night." Lu Jingchen's figure was very gentle, and when her eyes were over her, she was particularly moved.

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