Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1964: Get angry, don't understand each other

Lu Jingchen was a little angry, Qiao Zhen didn’t understand at all, so her explanation did not make Lu Jingchen feel any better, especially the sentence "The cress is his own" made him even more so that the anger in the front was not extinguished, and the anger in the back was again. Burn.

Qiao Zhen only felt that he was too unreasonable to make trouble. It was obvious that she and Cress were good for him, but he didn't appreciate it at all and was so angry.

She really didn't know how to serve this man, she threw away his hand: "Lu Jingchen, I'm so fed up with you. Drive me away, right? Then I will leave immediately, and never stay here to hinder you Eyes!"

Qiao Zhen turned around to leave.

But when I took my steps, I realized that my steps were a bit weak and weak.

Just now Wan Jiazhi put medicine in the soup, and Qiao Zhen also drank it, but this medicine is specifically for men. Qiao is really not a man and doesn't drink much, so the effect should be lighter.

But even so, she was a little dizzy and leaned a bit.

Lu Jingchen's medicinal effects also began to take off. Originally, he was only angry and felt a rush of anger in his heart, but later, it became more like another feeling of inexplicability.

He wanted to try his best to restrain this feeling, but badly he couldn't restrain it at all, and reached out his hand to hold Qiao Zhen.

Qiao Zhen turned around and said, "You let go!"

Lu Jingchen's sanity was already out of control, and instead of letting go, he slammed her in front of him, and Qiao Zhen plunged into his arms.

Lu Jingchen lowered his head and kissed Qiao Zhen's lips!

Qiao Zhen was stunned. She had kissed Lu Jingchen before, but it was a prank at the time, and it was just a touch.

But this time Lu Jingchen kissed her, it was completely different.

His kiss was fierce and domineering, suppressing Qiao Zhen's immobility.

Joe really struggled angrily. What the **** is this man going to do? He is a man, doesn't he know or understand?

But her strength could not match Lu Jingchen, let alone Lu Jingchen's drug effect now.

Qiao Zhen couldn't break free of his **** at all.

Lu Jingchen pressed her body down, and Qiao Zhen's medicine started to work. In the end, she couldn't resist at all.

I don't know how long I waited, but Joe really woke up, all in pain.

She sat up in a shock, only to realize that time had not known how long it had passed.

Why does Lu Jingchen do this to himself?

She was terrified. Could it be that he has discovered his identity?

But it is impossible.

She remembered her strange feeling just now, which was not like what would happen to her.

Could it be that something went wrong in the dish?

Qiao Zhen glanced at Lu Jingchen. Lu Jingchen hasn't woken up yet. There must be a problem with the food. Otherwise, with his physical strength and energy, he won't wake up at this time.

Qiao Zhen held his head, his mind full of chaotic thoughts.

This kind of thing happened to herself and Lu Jingchen...How could she look at Lu Jingchen directly and how to get along with Lu Jingchen in the future?

No way! She couldn't let Lu Jingchen discover her identity.

It is impossible for her to let the outside world know her identity.

A woman disguised as a man in the military camp has long been a secret that cannot be told to others. What's more, the Qiao family has always placed all hopes on her. How could she fail her family's expectations?

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