Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1978: Children can't have

"Dad, don't fight." Mrs. Joe stopped Mr. Joe, "I really just came back, and I'm sick again. If you want to fight again, what should you do if it breaks?"

When Father Joe heard that Qiao was really sick, he immediately stopped, and said distressedly: "Qiao is really sick? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

He still felt sorry for Qiao Zhen, holding the stick in his hand and couldn't move it anymore.

Mrs. Qiao helped Qiao Zhen up and said, "Dad, I really said everything. There is nothing with Cress. Moreover, she won't listen to you. Don't be angry anymore and anger your body. It's not worth it, is it?"

"I'm not angry, I'm not angry anymore," Mr. Qiao dropped the family law and helped Qiao Zhen get up. "I will ask the doctor to check on you. Have you been practicing too hard recently?"

"No need, grandpa, it's just that you have eaten something bad and your stomach is upset." Qiao Zhen said, "I'll be fine when I come back and rest for two days."

Mr. Qiao regrets it very much, he made too heavy a move just now.

The Qiao family's family method, three sticks, generally no one can hold it.

He also put a heavy hand on the stick just now, really worried that Joe would be broken.

Mrs. Qiao brought Qiao Zhen back to the room, closed the door and said worriedly: "True, what the **** is going on with you? Why did you and the cress buy pregnancy test sticks? Tell me honestly. , Is it because of you or the cress?"

Qiao really lowered his head, thought for a long time, and finally said, "Mom, it's me. I'm pregnant."

"You! You!" Mrs. Joe was so angry that she couldn't stand still.

Qiao Zhen hurriedly helped her: "Mom, sit down first, this is my fault. Don't be angry with your body."

Mrs. Joe angrily said: "You, you, why do you say I am not angry? Why are you pregnant like this? What's the matter?"

Without waiting for Qiao Zhen to say, she cried: "I blame your dad for being bad. At the beginning, you were disguised as a man and you were grown up like a boy in order to relieve our own pressure. Over the years, you too It's not easy. We don't have the pressure, but the pressure is all on you... If it really doesn't work, I will tell you your identity, Grandpa, and I won't need the position in the Qiao family."

After she finished speaking, she went out impulsively.

"Mom!" Qiao really held her tightly.

"It's Mom I'm sorry you." Mrs. Joe turned her head and started crying in her arms.

"Mom, don't cry, you don't blame you for this, I was wrong. You are going to say that grandpa is too old and can't stand this, and everything about Dad's career, Qiao's family, will also be dragged down." Qiao Zhen said.

"But all this has hurt you!" Mrs. Qiao's eyes were red, and she held Qiao Zhen's hand, shaking constantly.

"Mom, mom, don't blame yourself." Qiao Zhen also felt sorry for his mother, "Now that things have happened, we can solve the current problems. If you cry again, we really can't solve the problems. is not it?"

Mrs. Joe held back her sadness and said, "What the **** is going on? Who is that man? Does he know who you are?"

"That man is an inconsequential man, and the person he likes is not me. So it is impossible for me to be together with him. It is just that I accidentally happened when I was drunk, and I was stupid and didn't use contraception. "Qiao Zhen said in a low voice.

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