Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1983: Are you okay?

Mrs. Joe will have to wait for the right time to bring the child back.

I'll be raised in Qiao's family from now on.

Qiao’s family is large, with several villas in front and back, all divided into several courtyards. The villas in remote areas have few people, and there are many servants and subordinates.

When it comes to multiple children, it will not be easy to find problems.

Qiao really shortened his hair and returned home with the same dress as before.

She had already resumed training after the child was only two months old, and now there are no traces of pregnancy and childbirth in her whole body, and she still looks like a young master who was so energetic.

Father Qiao was extremely happy when he saw her: "What the **** is going on with your child? I haven't let Grandpa come to see you without speaking for so long. I'm going crazy, you know?"

"Grandpa, you are old and your heart is not good, so I specifically asked my parents not to let you come to see me. Otherwise, if something happens, how can I get along in my heart?" Qiao is really guilty of deceiving many things. Father Joe, so he looked particularly submissive.

"Just come back, just come back." Old man Joe looked at Qiao Zhen up and down, "I'm really thin, thin. I will stew the soup in the kitchen for a while, and you have to make up for it."

"Yeah." Qiao Zhen nodded slightly, his nose was sour, and he felt sorry for Grandpa too much.

"By the way, how about your mother, why didn't she come back with you?" Father Qiao looked at Qiao Zhen and found that there was no Mrs. Qiao.

"Mom and friends will be together for two more days." Qiao Zhen concealed, "Don't worry, grandpa, Mom will be back soon."

Old man Qiao hasn't seen Qiao Zhen for a long time, and he couldn't finish talking: "Speaking of you going out to recuperate this time, Lu Jingchen has been here several times, so he came to ask about your situation. What's the matter with your injury?"

Qiao Zhen rolled up his pants and said, "I hurt my leg bone, right here."

She did accidentally hurt her leg when she went out, but it wasn't too serious, but it's okay to use it to fool everyone.

Father Qiao no longer doubted, and said: "You have been here for almost a year. After you come back, you can only stay at school for one level. However, the military now needs talents. If you recover well, May be transferred directly to the troops."

"Did something major happen to the country?" Qiao Zhen asked.

"It's not a big deal. The prosperity of a country always requires a lot of people to pay and bear the darkness. But there are always people with different intentions who want to fight for power and gain more wealth." Old man Joe said boldly. "But with us soldiers, it is absolutely impossible for these people to infringe on the interests of the country and the people! Unless they step on my body!"

Qiao Zhen raised the same feelings and said: "Well, wherever I am needed, I will go."

Joe really returned to the room.

She immediately called Cress.

In order not to reveal her whereabouts, she had endured without contacting Cress for a year.

"Qiao Zhen! You finally showed up! Where have you been?" Cress asked loudly on the phone.

"Just staying abroad for a year. Sorry, I haven't called you for a year. Sometimes it's not convenient to be outside."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Your it okay?" Cress asked cautiously.

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