Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1989: She is also on the list

Lu Jingchen has decided on the battle plan. All he needs to do is to go and arrest the leader of this arms team, and everything will come to an end.

But suddenly, he found Qiaozhen's name in the list of fine-tuned troops.

"Qiao Zhen? Why is she on the list?" Lu Jingchen asked immediately.

The Lieutenant General replied cautiously: "In fact, Qiao Zhen has been there these days, but...we put her name in the most inconspicuous corner."

This is also Qiao Zhen's request to Lieutenant General.

Although Lu Jingchen might not notice her, she was rushed back by Lu Jingchen when she didn't want to come.

So it is necessary to make some appropriate cover-ups.

"Let her leave now!" This action was too dangerous, and it was impossible for Lu Jingchen to let her commit the danger.

"General... Qiao Zhen came in the name of Qiao's family, and all the arrangements have been prepared, the troops have already set off, one less person will affect the operation, it is impossible for Qiao Zhen to leave." The lieutenant general told the actual situation. Lu Jingchen listened.

Lu Jingchen immediately reached out and picked up the combat uniform, grabbed the gun, and strode out.

"General! Where are you going, General?" The lieutenant general hurriedly followed.

"You go back to the command center, and you only need to perform the mission according to the original plan. Follow my schedule at any time. Go back," Lu Jingchen said.

The Lieutenant General had to stop and go back to the command center.

Lu Jingchen quickly caught up with the fine-tuned troops.

In the dark, everyone is wearing the same clothes, which is very difficult to recognize.

Lu Jingchen still relied on his intuition to reach Qiao Zhen.

Qiao was really on the march, realizing that there were more people around him, and looking up, through the dim moonlight, he saw Lu Jingchen beside him!

She was taken aback, how could it be him?

As a commander, how could he follow the fine-tuned troops on missions?

Thinking about this, her footsteps got stuck.

Lu Jingchen gave her a hand and pulled her out at once.

"Lu Jingchen, what are you doing?" Qiao Zhen was a little angry.

"It's too dangerous, you must go back."

"The battle plan has been completely set up. If I were missing, the entire operation might be blocked."

"I will go for you. You go back to the command center. If there is an emergency, I will keep in touch with you."

"Lu Jingchen, you are crazy. I won't go back, don't hinder me from completing the task!" Qiao Zhen pushed him away.

"Qiao Zhen, this time the matter is by no means as simple as you think. There is a mysterious power behind this group of people... It's just that I haven't found out who the people behind them are." Lu Jingchen shouted. "You must be very dangerous in the past!"

"General Lu, it is precisely because of the danger that you need to sit in the command center to help us and let everyone cope better. You are the leader, not the soldier. What you have to do is not to protect me, but everyone’s. safety!"

"There is a lieutenant general in the command center, I stay here... the command center, there are very few people in the command center tonight..." Lu Jingchen said, but at the same time, his inspiration flashed, and the command center would be very dangerous. They went to sneak attacks on the enemy's base camp, and the enemy might also come to sneak attacks on his command center.

Lu Jingchen had to say: "Then you go back to the fine-tuned troops first, and I will go back to the command center. Qiao Zhen, remember, when you are in danger, protect yourself first. Also, this task is very difficult. I order you-- Must come back safely!"

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