Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1997: Familiar looks

"It's just that they have been trying to find out the truth about what happened to Qiao's family and Qiao Zhen. So it's a bit difficult." The lieutenant general said, "but everything is under our control and nothing goes wrong."

As Lu Jingchen listened to the report from the lieutenant general, he flipped through it. Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by another face.

On the dossier he read, there was a person on it, who looked like Qiao Zhen.

However, this photo is of a girl with long gentle hair, completely different from Qiao Zhen's heroic appearance.

Moreover, her name is not Qiao Zhen.

It's called Jojo.

Qiao Qiao... looks very similar to Qiao Zhen, with the same lines on his eyebrows and facial features.

Who is she?

Lu Jingchen quickly glanced at her personal information and identity, and could not see anything unusual.

But his instinct told him that this Joe Joe is definitely not that simple.

Lu Jingchen said immediately: "Keep her."

The lieutenant said immediately: "Yes."

He glanced at the information and smiled: "General, this girl seems a little familiar, but I don't know where I have seen it..."

Lu Jingchen raised his head and glanced at him. He could see clearly that Qiao Qiao and Qiao Zhen were very similar, but the lieutenant general only thought they were familiar?

Seeing Lu Jingchen, the Lieutenant General was very serious and knew that it was best not to laugh in front of him. The Lieutenant General immediately shut up and changed the subject: "I will do it now."

Lu Jingchen arrived at the office early the next morning.

Today, he will see the assistants who are left here.

Many assistants stayed to help this time, most of them graduated from prestigious universities, and many of them even have rich assistant work experience.

Lu Jingchen's eyes searched for someone in the crowd.

Until he saw the girl named Qiaoqiao, his eyes fell on her, and his expression was a little false.

Joe Joe, with long hair and ears, looks more like Joe Zhen in real life, although Joe Zhen is mostly in military uniform, rarely in casual clothes.

And Qiao Qiao wears a professional suit with delicate light makeup and very feminine hair.

With such a difference, it still cannot hinder Lu Jingchen's intuition.

"Let the others go out first and keep Qiao Qiao." Lu Jingchen ordered.

A minute later, all the other assistants were led out to assign work, only Joe Qiao was left.

She followed the lieutenant general and came to Lu Jingchen, and said softly: "Good General Lu."

Her voice was clear and comfortable, if she were a boy, she would be a kind of youthful.

With her feminine dress, it looks capable and feminine.

Lu Jingchen stood up and walked to Qiao Qiao. Qiao Qiao was very calm and looked at Lu Jingchen with a professional smile.

The lieutenant left with interest and closed the door.

"Your name is Qiao Qiao, right?" Lu Jingchen asked, very close to her.

She smelled of perfume-it used to be the smell that Lu Jingchen hated the most, but when it appeared on her body, he didn't feel disgusted, but it added a bit of intellectual beauty to her, attracting him to keep approaching her .

"Yes, General Lu." Qiao Qiao replied, his lips curled slightly without any embarrassment.

"Do you know Qiao Zhen?" Lu Jingchen asked straightforwardly, her inquiring eyes instantly enveloped her.

This question obviously stunned Qiaoqiao.

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