Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2009: I did not do what I promised

Qiaoqiao acquiesced to him to send himself back.

Just as he was about to get in the car, Lu Jingchen's phone rang, and he answered, his voice still soft: "Hey, I will go home soon. You take a shower first and wait for me."

Qiao Qiao pursed her lips slightly: "General Lu has things to do, so you don't need to send me off. I can go back by myself.

Lu Jingchen examined her appearance, and the corners of her lips curled downwards that were not easily noticeable.

She was upset.


But the person who called was Wenxuan.

She showed her true emotions, which completely matched the Qiao Zhen in Lu Jingchen's memory.

He insisted: "Send you first."

The appearance of her jealousy made him feel better, just as good as the mood that he learned yesterday that she was not dead.

Qiaoqiao did not refuse any more, got in the car, but his thoughts drifted far.

I haven't heard the news of his marriage with Wan Jiazhi, but maybe it's another woman.

As a man like him, how could there be a lack of women around him?

Qiaoqiao kept looking out the window, turning his face away, letting the scenery flash one by one and disappear one by one.

Lu Jingchen asked softly, "Is there something on my mind?"

"No." Jojo shook his head, his expression returning to the original calm.

The ability to adjust emotions, she has learned a lot in the past four years.

"If you have real news about Qiao... I mean if you have news about her, you have to tell me." Lu Jingchen said.

"I will." Jojo nodded. "Although she is dead, if I hear something about her, I will tell you."

"Four years ago, she promised me one thing, but she didn't do it." Lu Jingchen's voice suddenly brought unbearable power, "Find her, I will let her do it."

"What's the matter?" Jojo asked.

Lu Jingchen shook his head: "She knows it herself."

Qiaoqiao doesn't remember what he promised him? what is that?

"Do you believe she is still alive?" Qiaoqiao was a little surprised where he insisted.

"I didn't believe it before. The forensic doctor found the burnt fragments containing her DNA at the explosion site. But now I believe it." Lu Jingchen looked at her, "I believe it now."

Qiaoqiao knew this, he said specifically to himself, and said softly: "Then I hope your dreams come true."

When he arrived at Qiao Qiao's residence, Lu Jingchen still watched her enter.

Lu Jingchen's mood is better day by day.

After get off work every day, he would specifically look for something to do for Jojo.

In this way, he has reason to stay with her for dinner and chat by the way.

Sometimes, just because he didn't want to be alone, he would ask Qiaoqiao to watch the news and watch movies with him.

He watched news every day, but he had never been interested in movies before.

But as long as he can keep Jojo by his side, he can do anything uninteresting.

He has many reasons and excuses. Sometimes he bought an extra ticket, sometimes it just happens to happen, and sometimes simply because he doesn't want to go to the movies alone.

Even Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei clearly felt his changes.

When he returned to the royal family that night, he looked relaxed, and Yun Wei stopped him: "Jing Chen."

"Mom." Lu Jingchen walked quickly to Yun Wei's side, "Is there something wrong?"

"I can't talk to you if I'm fine?" Yun Wei groaned.

"Of course not." Lu Jingchen slightly curled his lips, leaning against Yun Wei, supporting Yun Wei's shoulder, and walking forward together, "Mom wants to talk to me, of course I have to accompany him."

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