Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2019: Be his female companion

Qiaoqiao was moved in his heart, but he felt that it was really not worth it to make them give so much.

They should have a better future, and shouldn't spend their energy on such things.

Qiao's affairs should be taken care of by someone named Qiao.

"Then you make sure not to go again?" Joe Joe said.

"Of course I won't go again, that kind of place is not a joke," Gao Chi said, "So Jojo, I really forgot about that."

Well, even if Jojo mentioned it to anyone, Gao Chi would not admit it.

Anyway, he didn't catch the current situation and there was no evidence, so nothing happened to him.

"Gao Chi, Cheng Deyuan, in fact, I also want to say something to you. A family like Wanjia and an authority like the royal family are not something we can touch personally. No matter what your private affairs are, don’t take your own future into consideration. , Don’t be too serious.” Qiaoqiao said, “There are things that cannot be changed. Now that it happens, let it be.”

She couldn't directly persuade them to give up, she was very tactful, but she also showed a little harshness.

Cheng Deyuan disagreed: "What are you talking about? Seeing that you are a woman, I don't know what you are like. A man who is a man will be worthy of the world and Huangquan, and he will be worthy of his conscience. But if you do good things, don't ask the future. ."

"Hey, Cheng Deyuan, don't say anything." Gao Chi stopped him, fearing that he would leave something in front of outsiders without any cover.

Qiao Qiao couldn't help but smile when he heard Cheng Deyuan's words. He still did this all the time, and he hadn't changed.

She smiled and said: "Well, I am just out of the feelings of colleagues, I hope you can think about yourself. If it's okay, I will leave first."

"Goodbye." Gao Chi waved, facing her back in a daze.

She is very familiar from the back, where have you seen it?

Cheng Deyuan grabbed Gao Chi and said, "Gao Chi, aren't you looking at this girl?"

"Do you think she is familiar, as if she has seen it somewhere?"

"Damn, aren't you? Don't forget what we are here for, put away your children's love. This Qiao Qiao has a very close relationship with Lu Jingchen, if someone knows that we are at Cha Qiao's house, it will be over. Cheng Deyuan loudly wanted to dispel Gao Chi's thoughts.

"Don't be fooling around. How could I like her?" Gao Chi said, but he searched in his heart, where did you ever see such a figure? And her skill and movement.

Qiao Qiao actually regretted the move with Gao Chi today.

Although she hides her strength, she still reveals her previous skills from time to time.

Gao Chi may not have thought of going there for a while, but after a long time, she will inevitably guess her identity.

The last thing she wants is to get her friends involved in this matter again and get hurt.

So until now, she has not contacted them, let alone Cress.

Qiaoqiao was walking forward aimlessly, a car parked in front of her, it was the lieutenant general.

The lieutenant general got out of the car and said with a smile: "Miss Qiao was here. What a coincidence."

"Lieutenant General." Jojo greeted politely.

"That's Miss Qiao. The general will have a banquet tomorrow, which will be held in this hotel. The general asks you to be his female companion and attend together." The lieutenant general handed over the invitation, "After get off work tomorrow night, there will be a special Someone will come to help you freshen up."

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