Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2034: Desperately told

One of the police officers, wearing a hat, raised his head slightly, a beautiful and flawless face appeared in front of Jojo.

This beauty is so stunning that almost no one will forget it at a glance.

Qiao Qiao was taken aback, remembering where he seemed to have seen him before, and suddenly remembered, isn't he the younger brother Lu Yiyang of Lu Jingchen? Why did you become a policeman here?

Lu Yiyang unfolded his notebook and began to inquire about the case.

Jojo’s words are simple: "Someone plots against me, I defend myself and fight back. Those who plot against me are her and her bodyguard."

Wan Jiazhi said angrily: "This woman named Qiaoqiao has no reason at all. She came up and grabbed me and beat her. I want to sue her for intentional harm!"

Jojo wore her hair, and even though she fought a round, she didn't even mess her hair.

Wan Jiazhi's face was full of injuries, his front teeth were also missing, and his tone of speech was not good. Comparing the two, it is self-evident how the police officers treated them.

Wan Jiazhi stood up and said angrily: "Jojo, you hit me on purpose, and I will never spare you. Police officer, I want to sue Qiao Qiao for intentional harm! I want to send her to jail! I want compensation and apologize. apologize!"

Lu Yiyang glanced at her and said, "Don't get excited, say it well."

Wan Jiazhi grabbed Lu Yiyang's hand: "Yiyang, I am Jiazhi, you must help me."

Lu Yiyang shrugged and said, "No matter what happens, you must tell the evidence. The law and the police department will not favor either side."

"I don't care, anyway, I will severely punish Qiao Qiao, otherwise, I will go on desperately." Wan Jiazhi shouted loudly.

Lu Yiyang shook his head slightly. How come the eldest brother's fiancee is worsening day by day, her temper is getting worse and worse, she doesn't look like a lady.

Lu Yiyang put away his things and said to the colleagues around him: "Look at them first, and I will come as soon as I go."

"Okay." The police officer nodded.

Lu Yiyang just walked out, and Minister Wan and Mrs. Wan came in.

As soon as they rushed in, they said angrily: "Let the person in charge come out! What is going on, why should we take our daughter into custody? We need to be released on bail now!

Seeing his parents, Wan Jiazhi cried out loudly: "Dad, Mom, you are here! Ooo, Qiao Qiao beat me! She beat me deliberately!"

Wan Jiazhi had no scruples when he saw the supporters coming.

It's a big deal to lose a few bodyguards, and she must achieve her goal.

Seeing that her daughter was beaten like this, Mrs. Wan cried so tragically, she was distressed: "No matter who beat you, you can't be merciful to such a person! This is the capital, next to the royal family, and this happened. The matter, is there any king's law!"

Wan Jiazhi pointed at Qiao Qiao and said, "She was the one who beat me! Dad, Mom, I was sitting in the car and didn't do anything at all. This woman came up and beat me like this. She was just for revenge."

"Strictly investigate, must be strictly investigated." Minister Wan and Mrs. Wan have always loved their daughter very much and have been very indulgent to her. In addition, it was because their daughter was engaged to Lu Jingchen that the position of Wan's family was consolidated. They It is absolutely unwilling to let her daughter be a little wronged.

Mrs. Wan was dressed up and down, dressed very fashionable, with a scent of fragrance on her body, and looked at Qiao Qiao high up, without putting her in her eyes at all.

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