Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2041: Stay for dinner

The Lieutenant General saw this scene on the sidelines and couldn't help feeling very happy. He never thought that Lu Jingchen could have the life he is now.

The sun gradually fell, and it was getting late, Qiao Qiao stood up: "Wen Xuan, I should almost leave. I will come to you next time."

"Qiao Qiao stayed for dinner." Wen Xuan grabbed her hand in a posture that would not allow her to go.

Just as Qiao Qiao wanted to speak, Lu Jingchen said, "Stay. Come here, ready to have dinner."

Wen Xuan also has a restaurant here. Usually when Lu Jingchen is away, Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei have to do their own affairs, so he eats here by himself.

An attendant came over and whispered: "His Royal Highness, the king and queen have explained today that supper will be eaten by them, so..."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Lu Jingchen frowned.

"I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness." The attendant hurriedly apologized in a low voice. In fact, they had been saying just now, but seeing Lu Jingchen, Qiao Qiao and Wen Xuan together, the scene was so warm that no one was willing and dared to bother, so I only said it until now.

"It's okay, I'll go back first." Qiaoqiao smiled.

"You stay. Tell the king and queen that I want to keep a friend for dinner." Lu Jingchen said.

The first sentence was addressed to Joe Joe, and the latter sentence was addressed to the attendants.

Wen Xuan took Qiao Qiao's hand: "Zhan Ting and Weiwei are both very good people. They will like you. You will also like them."

Qiaoqiao couldn't help but smile, but he was still a little uncomfortable in his heart.

After all, her current identity is a bit too weird.

She followed Lu Jingchen and Wen Xuan behind the attendants, and saw Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei in the royal dining room.

They had already heard that Qiao Qiao was here. When they saw Qiao Qiao, they were polite and indifferent. They didn't look arrogant and indifferent. They felt that they treated her as Lu Jingchen's friend instead of treating her as an ordinary subject.

"King, queen." Qiao Qiao stepped forward and greeted respectfully.

"Jing Chen didn't tell us in advance that you were here. I was negligent." Yun Wei smiled, "Let's eat together."

Wen Xuan quickly led Qiao Qiao to the dining table.

Everyone took their seats one by one. In the entire royal family, waiters came and went to serve dishes, but if the master didn't speak, no one else made any noise.

Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei have always been very magnanimous people. Qiao Qiao has always wanted to find the slightest difference in their faces, and also want to explore how much they participated in the affairs of Qiao's family.

However, when looking at their gentle and hearty smiles, Qiaoqiao felt several times that maybe he really guessed wrong.

In the royal family, Qiao Qiao was slightly uncomfortable, but soon, the warmth of the family resolved her discomfort.

After dinner, we all have tea together.

While drinking, the attendant came forward: "King, Queen, Minister Wan brought Miss Wan Jiazhi over and said that she wanted to sit down."

"Let them in," Lu Zhanting said.

After all, the Wan family is now an important minister, and it is impossible for Lu Zhanting to miss them again and again.

Soon, Minister Wan came in with Wan Jiazhi.

The wound on Wan Jiazhi's face is almost healed, and his teeth have been made of new porcelain teeth, but the trauma in his heart is not small.

Now, her original intention was to please Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei.

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