Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2054: Must go out

After speaking, he walked away.

Qiao Qiao stood there, feeling in every way, if Lu Jingchen really liked Qiao Zhen, then he would let things develop like this in Qiao's family, but would never intervene to investigate?

In other words, no matter how much he really loves Joe, it can't be worth his love for Wan Jiazhi.

But Joe Joe must go out today.

Today is my father's birthday and his birth sacrifice.

At this time in the past, the whole family would eat together happily, and Qiao Zhen would always make his father laugh heartily.

At that time, Qiao Longzhi was healthy and hearty, but in a blink of an eye, all this was gone before Qiaoqiao's eyes.

But it has been many years since that day.

In the past four years, Qiao Qiao did not go to sweep the tombs for her parents, grandfathers and children. She has endured, endured, and tried to protect herself, trying to find out the truth for Qiao's family.

But now, since she has acted as Joe's family, she will never stand idly by.

If she can't even show up for her father's birth sacrifice, she would be too unfilial.

Thinking of his family, Jojo made up his mind.

Although Lu Jingchen looked at her by looking for someone, but with her skill, she quickly got rid of those people.

Then he flipped into the trunk of the car of the senior official who entered and exited the royal family today and left the royal family soon.

Lu Jingchen was in the study, and the doctor quickly came to him and found him: "His Royal Highness, Qiao Zhen left too little DNA data before. I have done the biggest attempt, and there is no way to compare her with the owner of this hair. Is it the same person."

Regrettably, the doctor stood in front of Lu Jingchen with some trembling.

Lu Jingchen's expression turned cold again.

"What about the fingerprint data?" Lu Jingchen asked.

"Fingerprints don't correspond. Blood types correspond, but blood types don't represent anything." The doctor said.

When Qiaoqiao came back this time, he changed the pattern of his fingerprints, so the doctor wanted to check it.

Lu Jingchen waved back the doctor.

Everything proves that Jojo is indeed not Qiaozhen.

His mood for the past few days has calmed down immediately, and then he has cooled down.

But he still couldn't deny that the feeling that Qiao Qiao brought to him was too strong. After Qiao Zhen, he put Qiao Qiao in his heart.

The lieutenant general stood aside and said: "Miss Qiao is not Qiao Zhen and it's good. I think Ms. Qiao and the general match well..."

Lu Jingchen glared at him: "Go and see Qiao Qiao and Wen Xuan."

The lieutenant said to himself as he walked out, "It's a good match, isn't it good?"

After walking out for a while, he came back in a hurry and said, "General, Wen Xuan is still practicing riding, but Miss Qiao is gone. The people who followed her said that she had been gone for a while, and they looked for it. I haven't found anyone for a while, and I'm about to report it to you."

"What?" Lu Jingchen couldn't help standing up, "It's all rubbish. How can a good person lose it?"

"Miss Qiao has good skills and agility, so..." Before the lieutenant general finished speaking, he saw Lu Jingchen strode out. He hurriedly followed and said, "General, I'll just ask you to find it. You No need to go in person."

"She went outside the king's room. Follow me." Lu Jingchen immediately remembered where Qiao Qiao had gone.

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