Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2066: Use this method to achieve the goal?

The subordinates hurried out with people, and Wan Qingshu followed.

When Lu Jingchen got in the car, he also got news: "General, Qiao Qiao and Young Master Wan Jia went into and out of the Ministry of National Defense just now. Because Gao Chi and Cheng Deyuan were involved in our sight, no one noticed Qiao Qiao at the beginning. The family file has been taken away by Qiao Qiao. Wan Qingshu has arranged a team to search the city."

Lu Jingchen immediately reacted, Gao Chi and Cheng Deyuan, but Qiao Qiao arranged to divert everyone's attention, the person who really wanted to do it was Qiao Qiao.

And what she used was Wan Qingshu's lustful son!

So what is she using? Is it beautiful?

At the thought of this, Lu Jingchen felt a deep discomfort in her heart. She actually used this method to achieve her goal?

Lu Jingchen's thoughts were full of irritability, but for Qiaoqiao's safety, he calmed down immediately and thought about where she was most likely to go next.

She will not implicate friends, but she will not return to the royal family. The only place she can go during the manpower search of Wanqingshu is the hospital where Wenxuan is located.

Even if Wan Qingshu had the courage, it was impossible to search Wenxuan's ward directly.

"Go back to the hospital immediately!" Lu Jingchen ordered.

As soon as he returned to the hospital, he immediately strode towards Wenxuan's ward. At this moment, it happened that Wan Qingshu was also bringing people.

When Lu Jingchen saw him, he said indifferently, "Is there anything Minister Wan hasn't finished talking to me?"

"No, I heard that Young Master Wenxuan was sick, so I made a special trip to take a look." Wanqingshu City Mansion was very deep, so naturally he wouldn't say that his son lost the file.

He just took the opportunity to see Wenxuan, and then secretly ordered someone to check Qiaoqiao's whereabouts.

But as Lu Jingchen expected, he did not dare to go directly to Wenxuan's ward to find Qiao Qiao.

Lu Jingchen said indifferently: "The child's condition is nothing more than a serious problem. Minister Wan's kindness is appreciated."

Lu Jingchen wanted to thank the guest, but Wan Qingshu did not intend to leave. He stepped forward and said, "I heard that Young Master’s condition is peculiar. , It happens to be able to help the young master to heal illness, right?"

Wan Qingshu was determined to enter Wenxuan's ward, because he also expected that the most likely place Qiaoqiao would hide was Wenxuan's ward.

"Moreover, the doctor I bring with me is also very powerful." Wan Qingshu said, strode to Wenxuan's room.

Obviously, even if Lu Jingchen wanted to stop him, he was determined to go in and had to catch Qiao Qiao.

He pushed the door in and saw Wen Xuan lying on the hospital bed with Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei sitting in it.

"King, queen." Even if Wan Qingshu was recreated, he had to converge a bit in front of Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei.

Lu Jingchen sneered and said, "Didn't Minister Wan have a good doctor and good medicine? Let's take a look for Wenxuan now."

Wan Qingshu had to ask a doctor to check Wen Xuan. Now that Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei are here, it is impossible for him to force a search.

And logically, Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei would not protect Qiaoqiao.

Wan Qingshu asked the doctor to check Wen Xuan Cao Cao Cao Cao Cao Cao Cao Cao, after all, he left with someone.

Lu Jingchen immediately arranged for someone to rush to the bathroom. He knew that Qiao Qiao must be there!

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