Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2071: Really want to marry her

Minister Wan was so angry that he couldn't help it. He was no longer able to support the entire Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If he continued to do so, he would only sink deeper and unable to get up. The result now is something he has to accept.

Qiao Qiao had already faintly noticed that what bureau Lu Jingchen was setting up, and this bureau had something to do with every family.

The relationship between Wan Jia and him is by no means as harmonious and harmonious as it seems.

But whether it is related to the Qiao family, she can hardly say.

Once Wan Jiazhi’s position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs leaves, even if Wan Qingshu is left in control of the Ministry of National Defense, but after all, Wan Qingshu is just a distant uncle of Wan Jiazhi, and Wan Jiazhi is still worried that the position of his fiancee and Lu Jingchen’s will be threatened. .

In fact, she was absolutely right. Her position was more than threatened, Lu Jingchen didn't take her to heart at all.

For Lu Jingchen, she is just a member of a million families. Whether or not she is engaged to her voluntarily, she will never be the person Lu Jingchen really wants to be engaged.

In the past few years, although she is the future daughter-in-law of the royal family, she has never enjoyed the treatment that the royal family really should treat her. She should know her identity well.

It's just that Wan Jiazhi has never really recognized it.

Now that Wan Jiazhi is in trouble, Wan Jiazhi's heart is getting more and more bottomless.

But after waiting for several days, Lu Jingchen didn't do anything to her, did not propose to regret the marriage or anything, she was relieved a lot.

Qiao Qiao is also watching the development of the situation. In addition to privately, she has been checking the details of the Qiao family in the files, and at other times, she is also paying attention to the situation of the entire royal family and the Wan family.

But suddenly there was news that Lu Jingchen and Wan Jiazhi were getting married.

Lu Jingchen arranged the marriage with Wan Jiazhi, which was completed in about three months.

Hearing such things, even Wen Xuan couldn't sit still and ran to find Lu Jingchen.

Qiao Qiao was very calm and did not show anything.

"Jing Chen, are you really going to marry that woman?" Wen Xuan couldn't help but ran over and asked loudly.

"Yes." Lu Jingchen commented on the official document without looking up.

Wen Xuan clenched his fists in anger and climbed onto the chair opposite him: "Lu Jingchen! Are you really going to marry someone else?"

"Yes." Lu Jingchen put down the documents in his hand and looked at him.

Wen Xuan was angry: "Why are you doing this? Do you really like Wan Jiazhi?"

"Marriage has nothing to do with liking." Lu Jingchen said, "You don't understand now, but you will understand later."

Wen Xuan shook his head: "I just don't understand, but I know you can't do this. You want to marry Wan Jiazhi, what about Qiaoqiao?"

Speaking of Qiao Qiao, Lu Jingchen narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "This matter has nothing to do with Qiao Qiao, and it has nothing to do with you. You are still young and you are not allowed to care about my affairs."

Wen Xuan was very angry, his cheeks bulging: "Lu Jingchen, you are such a badass. Qiao Qiao and I don't want to talk to you anymore."

After speaking, he jumped off the chair angrily and ran away.

Lu Jingchen looked at his small back, his eyes darkened slightly.

There are many things that he cannot explain to him now.

Wen Xuan was so angry that he didn't even want his most beloved toy, and went to Joe Joe's side.

Qiao Qiao put down what was in his hands, hugged him, smiled and asked, "What happened?"

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