Especially his aura is very strong, wherever he has passed, no one has taken the initiative to give him a position, and the stars let him pass like a moon.

When Qiaoqiao looked at him, he was dazed for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jingchen cast his gaze at her, as if he had noticed himself, Qiao Qiao quickly gathered his eyes, and the brim of the general's hat was pressed down to cover his face.

Lu Jingchen did feel her presence, but when he looked around, all of them were people in military uniforms, and there were guests talking to him. Lu Jingchen then retracted his gaze.

It was almost time. On the entire stage at the front desk, the emcee began to be in place, the melodious music began to sound, and the entire wedding scene began to enter its state.

Qiaoqiao is also looking for Gao Chi's whereabouts among the crowd.

Today, Gao Chi can come in, and he must be wearing a military uniform. With so many security guards wearing military uniforms, it is really not easy to find Gao Chi.

But finally, Qiaoqiao still saw Gao Chi one second before the wedding.

Gao Chi was in a dark corner, secretly holding a gun in his hand, and waited seriously.

Jojo stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

"Qiao Zhen?" Gao Chi stunned, "No, Qiao Qiao. Why are you here?"

"Give me the gun." Jojo stretched out his hand.

"Qiao Qiao, after I assassinated Wan Qingshu, I will return the gun to you. All the people in Qiao's family died in the first place. This thing was done by Wan Qingshu. I only took him for the dog's life. Other people I will not touch it, nor will it hurt the innocent."

Gao Chi said firmly.

Qiao Qiao frowned and grabbed the gun directly while he was not paying attention: "I will do things about Qiao's family by myself, without your help."

With so many people at the scene today, if Gao Chi really killed Wan Qingshu, he himself would be sifted by countless guns from the Wan family.

Even so, it is impossible to seek justice for all the Qiao family who died unjustly.

Gao Chi wanted to take it back, but in public, it was obviously impossible.

Qiaoqiao informed Cheng Deyuan to come over, and the three of them must leave this place of right and wrong immediately.

Qiao Qiao himself did not want to stay there to attend Lu Jingchen's wedding.

On the stage, Lu Jingchen and Wan Jiazhi are already on stage.

Suddenly, a gunshot, a huge sound, came out in the hall, deafening, overshadowing the wonderful music and the emcee's words.

The crowd suddenly started chaotically, but fortunately, all the people at the scene were people with very high status. Everyone was surrounded by subordinates who started to protect the owner. Although the scene was a little messy, it did not lose control.

The people next to Wan Qingshu immediately pulled out their guns, and it seemed that the bullet just now went to Wan Qingshu, so the people around him were the most nervous.

Qiaoqiao and Gao Chicheng Deyuan wanted to take advantage of this chaos and leave immediately.

But I didn't expect that the people from Wanqingshu would come directly at them.

Obviously, Qiaoqiao and the others didn't shoot at all, and someone else shot, but the three of them were still arrested.

Qiao Qiao immediately understood that Wan Qingshu had actually found out that the three of them were at the scene, and the person who shot should have been one of Wan Qingshu’s people. The reason why he ordered someone to shoot was to find a way to arrest them three. .

Gao Chi also understood. He felt guilty at once, and blamed himself for being too impulsive. He wanted to do something big, but now he was tired of Qiaoqiao being arrested with him.

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