Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2115: Do you know jojo

Lu Jingchen said immediately: "It's okay, Mr. Qiao is already over eighty years old, and it's really rare to have to work on this matter. Let him rest."

Qiao Longzhi nodded and stood with Mrs. Qiao, his face always depressed and unhappy.

A few years ago, they negotiated with the royal family to pretend that the entire family and all their subordinates were killed, in order to paralyze the Evergreen Tree.

At that time, they made this decision, which is equivalent to giving up everything that is good and entering a hard undercover career.

With their age, and with the entire family, it is not easy.

At that time, Lu Jingchen was reluctant to let them risk doing this, but Qiao Longzhi tried his best to convince Lu Jingchen and Lu Zhanting.

However, they did not expect that they had just made a decision, and there was an accident on Qiao Zhen's side. Qiao really passed away, and it was really a big blow to them.

So in the past few years, although they tried their best to complete the task, especially this time, without any defense, Wan Qingshu and Lu Yunxiu wiped out all their reinforcements in one fell swoop.

But thinking of Qiao Zhen, Qiao Longzhi and his wife couldn't help being sad.

The reason why Mr. Qiao did not come to see Lu Jingchen was nothing more than that he was very sad when he thought of Qiao Zhen. He was too tired, and Qiao Longzhi ordered him to take a rest.

As for Qiao Qiao's return, Qiao Longzhi and his wife are still unclear.

After all, they have been incognito in recent years, and they have to complete very secretive tasks. Lu Jingchen has been unable to communicate with them in detail for many things.

Lu Jingchen poured tea for them, and said softly: "Uncle and Auntie...I want to know, when Qiao Zhen was born, was there a twin sister?"

"No..." Mrs. Qiao immediately denied, "Qiao Zhen was born alone. I knew it well at the beginning. I always wanted children, but never wanted to. Later, I had Qiao Zhen after a long period of pregnancy, so I remember it was special It’s clear. When Qiao was born, I was also very clear...Jing Chen, what's going on?"

"There is a girl, her name is Qiao Qiao, she said it is Qiao's twin sister. She stayed with me, and always wanted to avenge the Qiao family. She thought you were gone." Lu Jingchen gave Qiao Qiao's photo Look at Mrs. Joe.

Mrs. Qiao and Qiao Longzhi looked suspiciously for a while, and both of them were a little silent.

The couple knew too well but they had only one daughter.

It's just this daughter who has always been raised as sons.

Now when they saw Qiao Qiao, they recognized it at a glance. This was Qiao Zhen.

They thought about Qiao Zhen day and night, this feeling was too familiar.

Suddenly Mrs. Joe couldn't hold back her tears, and the tears poured out.

She always thought that Joe was really dead, and thought she would never see her daughter again.

Now seeing her picture again, she couldn't help crying.

"Where is Qiao Qiao, I want to see her. Jing Chen, let me see her..." Mrs. Qiao said.

Qiao Longzhi patted her shoulder, comforting her emotions.

"She had been helping with Wan Qingshu's affairs yesterday. Now that I am tired, I want her to rest for a while." Lu Jingchen said, "Do you know Qiao Qiao?"

Now, he just wants to confirm one thing.

The answer to this matter is getting closer.

Qiao Zhen and Qiao Qiao are most likely the same person.

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