Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2127: Why don't you change your name to mom?

Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao returned to the royal family together.

With Qiao Qiao, he met Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei.

When Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei saw Qiao Zhen, they were also taken aback: "Qiao Zhen?"

Jojo took off his hat, revealing his beautiful long hair.

"What's the matter?" Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei asked.

"Parents, Qiao Qiao is Qiao Zhen. It's just that before, she always disguised herself as a man and stayed in the army." Lu Jingchen said, "Later after the Qiao family had an accident, she came to us as Qiao Qiao incognito. Parents, Qiao Qiao It was definitely not intentional to disrupt military discipline... Everything she did before had her considerations. And you know her abilities."

Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei looked at each other, and both understood the relationship between Qiao Zhen and Qiao Qiao's identities.

Now Lu Jingchen came to explain in person, and he definitely wanted them to understand what Qiaoqiao did.

As for Jojo, what can't they understand?

Whether it’s Qiao Qiao or Qiao Zhen, she has done things very well, can bear the responsibility, and has extraordinary abilities.

Neither Lu Zhanting nor Yun Wei could blame Qiao Qiao like this.

Yun Wei smiled and said: "Since you have all made it clear, that's fine. You can decide how to choose afterwards."

Facing the enlightened Yunwei, Qiao Qiao was sincerely grateful: "Thank you Queen."

"You still call me the queen? You have long been called auntie." Yun Wei smiled.

Yun Jin's head came out from behind: "It's better to change the name to Mom, it will be smoother, so that you will not change it again in the future."

Seeing that she didn't know where she came out, Yun Wei groaned: "Why are you so reckless and come out without saying hello?"

"Anyway, there are no outsiders here, right, big brother, sister-in-law?" Yun Jin said with a smile.

Qiaoqiao couldn't help but blush slightly.

Yun Jin said with a smile: "Second brother helped the eldest brother to clean up his things and was discharged from the hospital. The doctor said that he would come to help elder brother to check his body every day. The doctor also said that he must tell him not to exercise vigorously during this time... I need to rest because of my injuries."

There was ambiguity in her words, and she blinked as she spoke.

Qiao Qiao blushed even more. She and Lu Jingchen had always respected each other, except for that time.

Now that Lu Jingchen is injured, she certainly wouldn't do anything random.

Qiao Qiao said softly: "Jing Chen will have a good rest."

"My eldest brother feels pain when I find someone, and I don't know what the second brother thinks." Yun Jin shook his head and sighed, "There are so many people who like him, but he doesn't like him."

"Silly girl, your second brother has your second brother's idea. You still care about yourself." Yun Wei said, patted her hand.

Yun Jin stuck out his tongue.

Qiaoqiao laughed at the warm picture.

After talking with Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei, Lu Jingchen accompanied Qiao Qiao out.

Qiao Qiao put on his hat and walked beside Lu Jingchen. The Lieutenant General came forward to report the news. When he saw Qiao Qiao, his eyes became straight: "Joe...Master? Are you back?"

"Yes, Qiao Zhen is back." Lu Jingchen smiled, "She is not dead."

"Ah, that's great. Master Qiao is really happy to be back." The Lieutenant General said loudly.

In fact, Qiao Qiao only changed back to Qiao Zhen's clothes today, and the expressions on his face were different from Qiao Zhen's.

It's just that she suddenly appeared, pretending to be the real Joe, and many people would inevitably be confused for a while.

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