Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2146: Very important

"It's nothing more than Yi Yang, it's Yun Jin... I hope she has come out." Yun Wei said softly.

Lu Zhanting lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead: "Don't worry."

"Don't worry, the children are stronger than we thought. They have their own world and have their own responsibilities."

"It's enough for me to have you." Lu Zhanting laughed, "They, let them fly by themselves."


With the preparation of the wedding, the Ming family also kept sending people over to deliver things, and they also prepared a lot of things for Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao.

When the wedding was in the middle of preparations, the people from the Ming family came more and more diligent. It could be seen that everyone attached great importance to Lu Jingchen's marriage.

Originally, among the few people, Yunwei was the first to have a child. Besides Mo Yanbai, Lu Jingchen was also the oldest child, and he was the most respected of all elders.

His marriage was naturally taken seriously.

This time, the person arranged by the Ming family was Mo Yanbai.

Having dinner together in the evening, Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao met Mo Yanbai.

Mo Yanbai was tall and thin, with an extravagant appearance between his eyebrows and eyes.

Seeing Yun Wei, he stepped forward and hugged her and said softly, "Aunt Yun."

Back in Jingzhou City, Yunwei loved him very much, and was the only woman who could approach him at the beginning. Mo Yanbai has always had a special affection for Yunwei.

Yun Wei looked at him lovingly: "It's good if the wedding dress is sent to you, and you have to run it yourself."

"I just want to come over to see Aunt Yun and Yunjin. Besides, my mother said, there must be no problem with the wedding dress. I think I will come here just in time and see you all." Mo Yanbai's voice was muted and very mellow.

Because he was not the biological child of Mo Chenyi and Jian Zhi, he was several years older than the others, and he became more and more calm.

He greeted everyone one by one.

"Brother Xiaobai." Yun Jin jumped out and made a face beside him.

When Mo Yanbai saw Yunjin, his eyes deepened, and a slight smile appeared on the corners of his lips, and his eyes enveloped her: "Yunjin."

"Qiao Qiao, this is my cousin, Mo Yanbai." Lu Jingchen held Qiao Qiao's hand and led her to Mo Yanbai's side.

"Cousin, good." Joe Joe greeted with a smile.

Mo Yanbai smiled and said, "Hello."

He has heard about Jojo, now seeing her, seeing her eyebrows and eyes are quite heroic, but the whole person is still very soft and cute, it is really hard to imagine what she was like on the battlefield.

Seeing Mo Yanbai, Yun Jin seemed to have guessed his thoughts: "Brother Xiaobai, don't look at Qiaoqiao now as beautiful, but when you wear military uniforms, you can be mighty. Next time you have a chance, please go to the barracks together. Take a look."

Mo Yanbai smiled and nodded in answer. He has always loved Yun Jin the most, and in front of her, he smiled very much.

"Everyone sits first and talks while eating." Lu Zhanting nodded and said.

Lu Jingchen said softly to Qiao Qiao: "Mo Yanbai is the adopted son of Uncle Yi and Aunt Fei, so he is several years older than us."

"Well, I have heard about this. I remember they said at the beginning that he had a tendency to autism when he was a child. Now it seems that he has no signs of autism anymore. It seems that everything is fine with him." Qiao whispered, "I heard that it was all due to aunt and non-aunt."

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