Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2153: I shouldn't come here anymore

Later, Qiao Zhen appeared as a hero, earning more attention.

Her every move has attracted people's attention, and now she is quite popular with such a handsome boy, she is even more famous.

Now, Qiao Zhen has almost become the dream lover of the entire capital girl.

Qiao Longzhi chatted with the guest for a while, got up, and sent the guest away.

When he came back, Qiao Longzhi saw Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao, and immediately smiled and said: "Jing Chen, Qiao Qiao, you are back, hurry up and sit down. Come on, come and make my good tea for Jing Chenhe Jojo drinks."

"Dad, did that person just come to talk about my identity as Qiao Zhen?" Qiao Qiao asked.

"Yeah..." Qiao Longzhi smiled, "I really didn't expect that you are a man, and so many people are still thinking about it. No, a few people came to introduce you this week alone. Come on. There are more people in the week."

Qiao Qiao glanced at Lu Jingchen, who frowned slightly.

She looked at her father: "Why, just say I already have a girlfriend. Otherwise, you will bother you."

"I just said the same at the beginning, but no one knows your situation in the army? No one would believe that you have a girlfriend, otherwise I would have used this reason to prevaricate." Qiao Longzhi said of Le Oh, it’s a good thing that my daughter can be liked by more people.

Lu Jingchen didn't want so many people to covet Qiaoqiao, whether they were men or women.

Jojo is only his own, there is no need for so many people to watch her every move.

He pondered for a moment, and said: "Dad, next time you will say that Qiao Zhen already has a girl she likes, but that girl is no longer there, so Qiao Zhen decided not to marry him for life, so they don't make this idea."

Qiao Longzhi laughed: "I didn't expect this to be said. Well, let's do it. I will say this in the future. After saying this, they will always come to the door, right?"

Qiaoqiao laughed: "It should not be."

Mrs. Joe smiled and said: "Qiao Zhen's identity is too hot, if it really exists, but it's not true. So they can't let them disturb Qiao Qiao's life. That's it. Do it."

After discussing this matter, everyone moved on to other topics.

Qiao Longzhi and Mr. Qiao are both people who are familiar with the military, and the entire Qiao family is a military family, so there are too many topics for everyone to talk about.

When a family is together, talking about official business and family affairs, it's fun, but sweet.

The next day, when Joe Qiao appeared in the Ministry of Defense dressed up in men's clothes, it attracted the attention of many female staff.

Soldiers with upright stature and imposing aura have seen them a lot, and they really feel handsome enough.

But this is the first time they have seen Qiao Zhen's type of handsome male soldier.

What's more, Qiao Zhen's skill in the early years also fascinated each of them.

So when Qiao Zhen appeared, it caused a lot of onlookers.

Qiaoqiao didn't want to appear as such on purpose.

It's just that Qiao is really a lieutenant now, her status and status are supernatural. After she comes back, she will naturally go to the Ministry of National Defense to hold a meeting and meet with officials at all levels of the military.

It is impossible to justify that Joe really does not show up.

Qiao Qiao appeared, everyone stood up, and when they saw Qiao Qiao, they couldn't help whispering to each other: "It really is a tiger father without a dog."

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