Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2155: whatever you think

She has always been afraid that making friends in her own capacity and pretending to be a man will cause unnecessary trouble or cause unnecessary admiration for girls.

Therefore, she has always kept a distance from her peers in all the families, not close.

To avoid such troubles.

Seeing Gu Xi doing this, Qiao Qiao smiled, and said politely: "Not really. I have something to do, so I will be out of company."

"No, Vice Admiral Qiao, Qiao Zhen..." Gu Xi still shouted behind her, but Qiao Qiao had already walked far away.

Gu Xi bit her lip and said to Gu Luoli, "Gu Luoli, why do you think Vice Admiral Qiao is so unfamiliar and indifferent? I also said that I want to invite her to dinner."

"She is very busy, so naturally she doesn't care about friendship with you." Gu Luoli said lightly, "You'd better keep your distance from her."

"Why should I?" Gu Xi disagreed, "If you have the opportunity, you naturally want to get closer. Gu Luoli, isn't it the one you want to get close to the military? You don't want me to get close, right?"

Gu Xi has a rough personality. She grew up in an orphanage, although Gu Changwei has supported her life from childhood.

However, her temperament has long been developed and she is dedicated to herself, so Gu Luoli doesn't have a very good friendship with her.

"Whatever you think." After Gu Luoli finished speaking, he turned and left.

Gu Xi looked at the back of him away, disapproving, but had her own calculations in her heart.

Qiao Qiao walked towards the State Building, looking for Lu Jingchen.

She appeared as Qiao Zhen, which naturally caused a lot of onlookers.

Lu Jingchen's entire assistant team couldn't help but admire how Qiao Zhen's skin was raised.

"I heard that they train for thirty days a month, but look at Vice Admiral Joe's skin, tsk, it's better than if we don't get in the sun every day, how did it come out?"

"Genetic problems, you can't envy you. I have met your Royal Highness's fiancee Jojo, and the skin is better than Vice Admiral Joe's."

"Speaking of which, Jojo still worked with us before. Who knew that her status and status rose so much in a blink of an eye. It's really unexpected."

"They are Minister Qiao's daughter. You can't envy them even if you are envious."

Qiao Zhen had no choice but to treat these words as if he hadn't heard them, and went all the way.

When she arrived at Lu Jingchen's office, Lu Jingchen had been waiting for her for a long time.

As soon as she came in, she crashed into Lu Jingchen's arms.

"Qiao Qiao." Lu Jingchen gave her a long kiss.

Joe Joe was kissed by him for a long time before breathing out.

"I said that after I come back, I don't need to train. I will stay with you for a few more days. Who knows that after returning, things will increase." Lu Jingchen said in a low voice apologizing, hugging her tenderly.

"It's okay." Qiao Qiao doesn't mind this. In fact, Lu Jingchen has been spending enough time with her. "It's great to have a chance to be together every day."

She was very satisfied with everything she had now, and felt nothing at all.

Lu Jingchen looked at her lovingly. She was indeed easily satisfied with everything, and did not force it. This made him even feel that loving her is not enough.

"Besides, I also come to your office at will now. Compared to before, it's a lot more plausible. Shouldn't I be satisfied?" Jojo laughed.

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