Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2161: Blessed enough

The applause in the audience was more enthusiastic, and the best man group and bridesmaid group also booed and said: "Kiss, kiss."

Amidst everyone's kind laughter, Lu Jingchen lowered his head and kissed Qiaoqiao's lips.

In romantic music, everything is fulfilled.

With fireworks sprinkled on top of their heads, Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao hugged each other.

Wen Xuan had been standing next to Yun Jin, seeing that they finally got married, so happy that there were smiles all over his face, and his hands were red.

Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao returned backstage.

The two looked at each other with romantic love in their eyes.

From now on, we will join hands for a lifetime.

Lu Yiyang walked in and said with a smile: "Brother, sister-in-law, there is still a procedure to go."

Lu Jingchen understood what he was saying and said, "Okay, we will come out immediately."

He said to Jojo: "It's going to work hard for you to go out again."

"Yeah." After Qiao Qiao finished speaking, with the cooperation of Lu Jingchen, he took off the wedding dress.

Of course, this is an arduous process.

Because Lu Jingchen simply can't tolerate helping her take off her wedding dress alone without doing anything.

The wedding dress was taken off and Jojo put on a handsome military uniform.

Wipe off the makeup on her face and put on a military cap. She is a lively male officer. This is Qiao Zhen who wants to show everyone to the outside world.

In order to make it easier for her to appear in the name of Qiao Zhen and Qiao Qiao in the future, she will now go out and walk around in the name of Qiao Zhen so that everyone can see "him."

Joe really changed his clothes and walked in through the gate.

All the guests saw her appear, and whispered: "Qiao Zhen is finally back. I'll just say, her sister's wedding, she can't not come back."

"It is said that in the past few years, Qiao Zhen has also been cooperating to complete the last major rebellion of thousands of families. It is true that the tiger father has no dogs, and the Qiao family is one of them. It is really amazing."

"Yes, yes, anyone who can marry Qiao Zhen is really blessed."

Qiao Zhen's jaws were slightly facing the crowd.

After walking around in a circle, she greeted some familiar people before returning to the background.

Lu Jingchen had waited a long time ago. If it wasn't appropriate to go out with her just now, he must have been with her.

Now when she came back, Lu Jingchen grabbed her waist and lowered his head to a long kiss, pressing her into his arms.

"What you didn't finish just now, do it with me now." Lu Jingchen whispered, his voice slightly dull, and he couldn't wait.

Qiaoqiao's face was slightly blushing, knowing that today is a good day for the two of them to be happy, and letting him do everything he should, throwing into his arms.

After the grand and romantic wedding of Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao, except for Mo Yanbai, the other relatives left one after another.

This wedding has become a hot topic in country c.

Qiao Qiao came from a well-known family, with outstanding talent and appearance. He matched Lu Jingchen's status, status and appearance very well. This is the biggest story in country c.

Lu Jingchen is the one who will take over the royal family and take charge of the entire country C. Everyone values ​​his wife’s identity and family background very seriously.

Qiao Longzhi and Qiao Zhen have important positions in the military, which undoubtedly makes everyone feel at ease Qiao Qiao's identity, and they are also very optimistic about their marriage.

With the gradual exposure of Shangxuan’s identity, everyone knew that Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao had a son long ago. It was only because of the Wanjia rebellion that they did not make it public.

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