Elder Lu has loved Yunjin and the others since he was a child, and naturally he has always missed everything about them.

When Mr. Lu passed away, he gave most of his inheritance to Lu Zihao and his children, but he gave many of his gadgets and his beloved things to Lu Jingchen, Lu Yiyang and Yun Jin.

When Yunjin opened it, seeing the vigorous and powerful handwriting of the great grandfather, his eyes were slightly sour.

Elder Lu didn't write anything special to her, but he told her to live a life, to live more freely and happily.

Thinking of Father Lu’s voice and smile, Yun Jin’s throat slightly choked, and Zhan Qiuliang said: “There is also this jade bracelet, which is also given to you by the father. When we cleaned up the old house, we didn’t see it. It was also recently cleaned , Only found out."

Yun Jin took it, thanked the grandfather for his kindness, and said softly: "Grandma, I will take it away."

"Well, good, good. Don't let your grandfather down, be happy." Zhan Qiuliang patted her hand and said.

Yun Jin walked out with Mo Yanbai, Mo Yanbai asked, "I will accompany you back to the residence first."

Now Yun Jin is a policeman in Jingzhou City. Although she is performing civilian work and rarely goes out to work, she is still very satisfied.

Like Lu Yiyang, if she stayed in country c, she would not have the opportunity to do this work.

Due to identity limitations, many tasks cannot be carried out.

Only in Jingzhou City can you be so free.

Not many people explore her identity.

After Mo Yanbai sent the Yunjin back, he sat for a while before he came out.

When I came out, I just received a call from Lu Jingchen.

"Cousin, how is Yun Jin?" Lu Jingchen asked.

"I saw her grandpa and grandma today, and now they have returned to their residence. It's okay, don't worry." Mo Yanbai said steady.

Lu Jingchen said, "Okay, then please look at Dianyunjin from time to time."

"It should." Mo Yanbai said.

Lu Jingchen put down the phone, Qiao Qiao asked, "Yun Jin should be fine, right?"

"It looks okay now, and I don't know what will happen in the future." Lu Jingchen shook his head and said, "After all, she has experienced too many things before, and later lost her memory. The doctor also said that she was only suffering from stress amnesia, and she didn't know the future. Will I remember anything, or, what other questions will there be..."

Qiao Qiao also frowned slightly: "With my cousin taking care of, it should be fine..."

"Back then, she did encounter a lot of problems..." Lu Jingchen frowned, never letting go, "Yunjin's memory loss was a few years ago..."


Six years ago, when Yun Jin was only 18 years old, he left home and went to Jingzhou City.

Because going to a police or military academy in country c is not a good choice for her identity.

Too many people in the entire c country have their eyes on Yun Jin. Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei too know what kind of pressure it is, so they oppose her to be a soldier or police.

So she went to the police academy in Jingzhou City on the occasion of the "marriage" with Qiao Zhen.

In the police academy in Jingzhou City, Yunjin had a very happy life and made great progress.

She is very capable of enduring hardship, and has never felt that there is nothing in her identity as a daughter.

So in just a few months, she has been highly regarded by teachers in the police academy.

[Next is the story of Yunjin, which began when she was eighteen years old, that is, a few years ago. Thank you for your continued support! 】

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