Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2167: Chance encounter

After a week of hard training, she was already a little tired, her head tilted to the side, closed her eyes, and quickly made a uniform breathing sound.

She slept firmly and deeply. When she woke up, she rubbed her eyes, only to realize that she had fallen asleep leaning on a person's shoulder.

It was a man sitting upright, with a nice profile face, a firm and strong chin, and he looked very safe.

Yun Jin was a little embarrassed. He just turned his head and raised the corner of his lips to her: "Awake?"

"Well, I'm sorry..." Yun Jin was full of apologies, and her face flushed slightly. It was really embarrassing. She didn't expect that she would fall asleep, let alone that she would lean on a man's shoulder.

She glanced at him again, and there was a suspicious water stain on his neat white shirt and shoulder position.

That must be her saliva just now.

Yun Jin blushed even more, and said, "That... I will wipe it for you."

She picked up the tissue, and the name of the station was just where she was going. Yun Jin had to stuff all the tissues to him: "I'm sorry for you."

When the car arrived, Yun Jin ran off in a hurry.

The man, holding the tissue she gave in his hand, couldn't help but smile.

He also got out of the car immediately. After all, he couldn't bear to wake her up just now, so he sat for a few more stops.

Yun Jin watched the bus go far, and then he retracted his sight.

She turned her head, a car stopped in front of her, and a childish teenager poked her head out and smiled: "Sister Yun Jin, I will come to pick you up with the driver."

Yun Jin looked bright and couldn't help laughing: "Are you out of school too?"

Ming Lang is almost five years younger than Yun Jin and the others. They have just entered junior high school. Their childishness has not yet escaped. His voice still carries the childishness of a boy. It is about the time of voice change, so he brings a little roughness when changing voice.

He looked like the combination of Ming Ye Leng and Lin Motong, and he jumped quickly.

Yun Jin got in the car and rubbed his head: "Why is it taller than the last time I saw you? It grows so fast, taller than me."

"You know I've grown taller before I stand up?" Brightly smiled.

"Seeing that your head is almost on the roof, you can see it naturally." Yun Jin also smiled.

"Sister Yun Jin deserves to be a policeman, she has a torch in her eyes." Ming Lang took her, "Tell me about your training this week..."

When every child is young, he has a dream to leave his parents and travel far away.

Not only Lu Yiyang and Yun Jin are like this, but also Mingrui and Ming Caiyue.

Mingrui and Ming Caiyue, who are also just adults, did not stay in Jingzhou City to attend university, but studied abroad.

Ming's family now only has Ming Lang who is still young, and he is with his parents and Yun Jin is here. He naturally has a close relationship with Yun Jin and treats her as a relative.

The two talked and laughed, and soon arrived at Ming's house.

Aunt Qin greeted her and said with a smile: "Yun Jin is back, please come inside."

"Hello Aunt Qin." Yun Jin smiled. Aunt Qin has worked in Ming's house for many years and has been diligent. Everyone respectfully calls her Aunt Qin.

"Uncle, aunt." Yun Jin walked in and saw Ming Ye Leng was reading the newspaper while Lin Motong was setting the tableware.

Although Lin Motong has long been the female president of a food chain company with huge wealth, the habit she has cultivated over the years has not changed at all.

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